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never be
Forum » Writer's Block » About my articles
I've been thinking these past few weeks. With my life in a crazy spiral I'm thinking after January I may take a break of a month or 2. I know I'm well enjoyed on this site and RetroJunk and its an honor. However between my own life and everything else pretty much crashing in around me. It's hard. I'll still be around here though. I just need some time to put some life back into me.

I hope things get better for you man. I know that feeling you're having. I've been there. Hang in there. At the end of this valley is another mountaintop that awaits.
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Mr Magic
I hope your life gets better.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Gaijin_Ninja wrote :

I feel your pain mang, my life and everything in it is the epitome of feculence right now (and has been for awhile). It's why I come to sites like this in the first place. Things I've learned during this incredibly trying time in my life: suffering creates character, attitude is everything, extreme adversity creates diamond hard inner strength, and patience, hard work, an unwavering belief in yourself, consistency, and perseverance mean more than hope (because hope is fickle, it comes and goes as it pleases).  Dig deep, think positive, work as hard as you can everyday, fight (!!) and believe in yourself no matter what (even if you're the only one) and you will, one day, dig yourself out of your hole and emerge a wiser and more compassionate person. A "reward" for your struggles. I promise. 
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Great advice. One couldn't help but overcome adversity if you stick to this.
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Gaijin_Ninja wrote :

I feel your pain mang, my life and everything in it is the epitome of feculence right now (and has been for awhile). It's why I come to sites like this in the first place. Things I've learned during this incredibly trying time in my life: suffering creates character, attitude is everything, extreme adversity creates diamond hard inner strength, and patience, hard work, an unwavering belief in yourself, consistency, and perseverance mean more than hope (because hope is fickle, it comes and goes as it pleases).  Dig deep, think positive, work as hard as you can everyday, fight (!!) and believe in yourself no matter what (even if you're the only one) and you will, one day, dig yourself out of your hole and emerge a wiser and more compassionate person. A "reward" for your struggles. I promise. 
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Thanks for the advice. Things have been picking up for me. However things have been busy for me so getting articles out are getting hard so I may take a break still. Just so I can take it easy from the writing.

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ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

Thanks for the advice. Things have been picking up for me. However things have been busy for me so getting articles out are getting hard so I may take a break still. Just so I can take it easy from the writing.
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Yeah. It can be hard to keep the creative juices flowing when you've got a lot going on. That's kind of been my struggle for me getting started on the Christmas Special (as the Halloween one took quite a bit of time). I keep putting it off, but I really need to get cracking soon.
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I have a lot of weird, quirky things I do to
bring myself out of ruts. They're odd to explain and only work for me.
However, this strip always juices me up.

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Vaporman87 wrote :

ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

Thanks for the advice. Things have been picking up for me. However things have been busy for me so getting articles out are getting hard so I may take a break still. Just so I can take it easy from the writing.
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Yeah. It can be hard to keep the creative juices flowing when you've got a lot going on. That's kind of been my struggle for me getting started on the Christmas Special (as the Halloween one took quite a bit of time). I keep putting it off, but I really need to get cracking soon.
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I got DnD this week a convention in Miami next week and Thanksgiving after that. Writing a Christmas article is gonna be a pain and cutting it close too.

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So update Time. Christmas article here is done and soon to be submitted and RJ is next. I've gotten some inspiration back to do articles some more. However I'll be putting focus on this site for a couple months or so to try new article themes and See what sticks and what doesn't and I'm gonna start doing more review kinds of articles starting Next month. The new article themes are:

90's vs: Where I take 2 of something in the 90's that are the same subject and compare them and see which was better in my eyes. (I got one already made and soon will be posted when I get around to proof reading it and making a title card)

Long Lost 90's: This one may not have that many articles with it. But this looks at lesser known things from the 90's that most ether forgot or don't really remember.

ThatDude would rather forget about: This is one that may not come in for a while till my critic skills are more fine tuned but this is about the stuff that I didn't find good about the decade that people ether seem to forget or would rather forget about.

I'll still have lists that are a bit more structured and some Retrospectives (I'll do a nickelodeon Time Capsule article on both RetroJunk and here) If you guys want to pitch ideas tell me and I'll trry to fit it in somewhere.
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These all sound great man. Really looking forward to them all.
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