Twin Peaks


Forum » Chew The Fat » Pokemon X and Y

The newest Pokemon game has just been released today for the 3DS, and it is the first ever worldwide release for the series. So, who here plans on picking up a copy of the game?

I got my copy of Pokemon X in the mail this morning. From my experience so far, this one completely blows most of the previous generation titles right out of the water. They updated a lot of stuff that gives this Pokemon game a fresh new feel, with the most obvious example is that they overhauled the sprite format they've been using for some of the previous generations, and made it into a full 3D game. There's also other changes that I won't go too much into detail right now, but what I can say right now is that it's just the type of makeover the Pokemon series needed in the past decade or so. Though, with all the hype built around it, and all the stuff they announced for it, then I can tell that Game Freak put in a ton of effort for this title.

So, what are your thoughts about this title?

EDIT: I have no idea why the picture won't show up. I tried tweaking with the code to get it to display, but for some reason, it wouldn't.

Fixed the image. For some reason, when you are placing code in the "Create Thread" page, you need to click on the <> button before you enter the code.
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i wonder if the pokedex 3D pro app on the 3DS will work with both games. if not then i might not go back into this series
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