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Forum » Chew The Fat » Past Summer Vacations
Mr Magic
Where did you go on vacation in your youth?

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"Magic can happen to you."

usually when it came to vacations it was mostly visits to distant relatives that came from both ohio and pennsylvania. we wouldn't leave for them often though, possibly every few years. any other road trip that we would have that's out of state would be going to the theme park called busch gardens
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3DS Friend Code: 4124-6332-4341
Name: Benji
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
shakin steak
My family had a few standards. Early in my life, we would usually go camping. Later, that alternated with a rental house at the beach (shared with another family or two that we were friends with). Either of those would be for a week. We would also take weekends to attend the Philadelphia Folk Festival or the Hudson Clearwater Revival.

I posted a detailed story from one vacation in the Galaga thread.
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shakin steak
Like Benjanime, we also visited relatives. Although those felt less like vacations. Mainly, we would visit my aunt in Connecticuit or my great grandmother, who outlived all of my grandparents, in Pittsburgh (until she moved to a rest hotel closer). I grew up in NJ, no MTV Jersey Shore references please.
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Ah yes. The Galaga epic. One of my favorite posts from you, shakin.

Typically our vacations were taken annually for one or two weeks time, in one of three locations - Orlando, Florida; Williamsburg, Virginia; or Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Of those three, I would have to say Florida was my favorite. BUT each had it's own special appeal to me. Occasionally we would get adventurous and take one time vacation somewhere else. This included places like Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Kittyhawk North Carolina, Myrtle Beach; etc.

Once - and just once - we went on a cruise, visiting islands along the way. That was a very unique trip. It's odd that even though I live in what has to be the marijuana capital of Ohio, it was on St. Martin that I received my only invitation to smoke weed. LOL. Which of course I declined.

Or did I???

Yeah. I did.
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I never went on vacations, but I went on 2 cruises back in I think 2004 and 2006. Second one was memorable as I met Larry Little of the Undefeated Miami Dolphins (and HOFer) on the way back of the 2006 one (had to have an emergency stop due to a passenger getting hurt) so I sat next to him and talked with him and even wore the 72 SB ring. : D
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shakin steak
Vaporman87 wrote : visiting islands along the way.

This thread is reminding me that my family's vacations were actually more varied than I usually remember. Twice we went to St John in the Virgin Islands for a week. We stayed in little cabins where two of the walls were just screen, so you had a great view and air would go right through. There were lizards around, and sometimes you could touch them. There were also stray cats. I can't remember if they were friendly or not. Probably not. The second time, I had an oil painting due in art class upon my return. Oil paint is very hard to clean from your hands (or anything, but hands seem more important than a lot of things) without the aid of Lava soap that was in the art room at school. But in what I felt at the time was a stroke of genius, I went down to the beach and scrubbed my hands in sand damp with salt water. It worked even better than Lava soap.

Once, we camped in Virginia for a week. This was one of the first times in life I displayed real entrpreneurial spirit. I picked up cans all over the campground and took them to the depository for money. I think I made about $20. Also, there were mongooses about.

Another time, we went to Nassau in the Bahamas. By this point I was old enough to want to go into town by myself and do so. One afternoon, I wandered into a bar that happened to have a pool table. A very tall Jamaican woman taught how to play. I had been aware of how, but never taught the concepts of angles, calculation, and the effects of striking the cue ball in different ways. I wish I could say I drank there and got drunk when I was 16, or that I hustled somebody or learned to hustle that day, but the real story isn't quite that interesting. However, I did later see a young and fairly pretty woman hiking up her cocktail dress and squatting to take a leak while waiting to get into a nightclub.
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Mr Magic
We went camping at a place called Lake Blackshear one summer in 1999, and a bunch of ducks did their business all over our campsite.
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"Magic can happen to you."


shakin steak wrote : However, I did later see a young and fairly pretty woman hiking up her cocktail dress and squatting to take a leak while waiting to get into a nightclub.

That's notable to you? Here in these parts it's pretty normal to see a man step out of a bar in town and take a whiz on the side of the building. They could probably get away with just posting a Men's Restroom sign outside each bar.
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shakin steak
lol. Uh, it definitely is more common to see men do this. Although more likely in an alley, and a lower (or no)-income person. Notable when an affluent woman does it, yes absolutely.

I would be offended to see it on the side of a building. Piss on the wall of my building and I will [want to] kick your ass. Use the gutter, storm drain, or dirt, please.

Now the real question for me is, why don't your bars have (enough?) bathrooms. I'm a s'phistercated city folk, true, but I didn't know the gap from you countrified folks was still that wide.
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We still prafur them there outhouses 'n such.
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