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Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Creepshow 1 & 2

2 fun anthologies from George Romero and Stephen King inspired by the famed horror comics of the 50s like Tales from The Crypt. Both have a nice cast and a great style to them plus scares and imagination.

I saw the first one on video when i was 4 as it with Psycho and seeing Vamp on the big screen is what got me into the horror genre. I also remembered seeing Creepshow 2 on the big screen when i was 5 years old and i dug it as i saw it 2 more times.

Which one is it that has the guy trying to hitch a ride and the lady runs him over on accident. Yet he keeps coming back, and won't die. That one was funny.
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the first one has its moments albeit being a bit cheesy by today's standards. the second one was okay
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
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Creepshow 2 had the hitcher
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