I'm on
the naughty
Forum » Retro Products » Push-Up Ice Cream

I was all about the grape Push-Up.I first fell in love with these things in kindergarten. And ever since then, Push-Ups became an important part of my childhood.

It looks like Nestle's still making them, only without the fun Flintstones theme.


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Honestly it just feels so hollow not seeing the Flintstones being used for the product anymore. Usually when I stop by the frozen food section at any grocery store and I'll think "man I miss push up pops" then I have a brainfart and go "oh yeah, they ARE still around"

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@benny.bros./featured

Well, good to know they're still around.

I could only find one commercial.



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