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never be
A Look at SNICK


The Dog Days of Childhood


Forum » Chew The Fat » Sorry I haven't been here lately.
Mr Magic

I was in the hospital. for about 7 days. My adrenal gland was weakening, thus causing me to get lightheaded and dizzy. But I'm back now.

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"Magic can happen to you."


Oh man! Sorry to learn that Mr Magic. I'm glad you're back though!

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You love this signature.
Mr Magic

Thanks. Just need to take some medicine to get through this.

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."



I've also returned and I'm here to say how glad I am you're back!

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Mr Magic

Thanks, edd.

Without you, the Retrodaze sandwich isn't complete.


Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."


Big Edd in tha house.

eddstarr wrote :


I've also returned and I'm here to say how glad I am you're back!

-end quote


Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.


There's so much that has happened to me since Christmas 2022 . . .  I could host my own TV series.

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