Forum » Chew The Fat » Cable Company Branded TV's

Let's say you're a Comcast cable TV customer. What would you do if Comcast made you a deal; give up your existing TV and cable box in exchange for a "Comcast TV", with the box built in. 

Comcast could offer "free" access, discounted monthly rates or any combination of deals that sound great. Sooo, would you do it?

Mr Magic

I miss the old Scientific Atlanta box. TV was so simple back then.


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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."


They should have thought of this decades ago.

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You love this signature.

It actually makes sense.  A Comcast XClass TV will offer up every bit of information possible on viewers. 

Looks like Great Britain will get "Spy Glass" along with their "Sky Glass".

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