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Forum » Retro Products » What retro toy line would you like to see get the movie treatment?
With so many old toy lines getting turned into feature films these days, what toy lines would you like to see on the big screen next?

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Mr Magic
Legos and GI. Joe has been done.

How about those little balls which can bounce up to great altitudes?
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"Magic can happen to you."

I always thought Starriors would make for a good popcorn film. Also; C.O.P.S., M.A.S.K., Thundercats (which I think is actually going to happen - maybe).
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shakin steak
thecrow174 wrote :

How about those little balls which can bounce up to great altitudes?

I gotta know what you have in mind here, because anything I can think of would prompt more "WTF"s than Battleship: The Movie or Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots: The Movie did.
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Chia pet....Haha just kidding, Have they made a movie of Sectaurs??
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MatuX2 wrote :
Chia pet....Haha just kidding, Have they made a movie of Sectaurs??

Not that I am aware of. It has potential though, IMO.
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Perhaps any of those:
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shakin steak
Actually, I could see Chia Pets. I don't know if it would be good, but it could be a workable script. An ancient society discovers how to turn statues into golems by growing plants on them. Thousands of years later, the technique is resurrected. Hilarity and destruction ensue, especially when the Obama golem is invoked.

It can't be worse than Real Steel (it could. But when has Hollywood ever cared about quality? Insert tangent about Roger Corman and how he was so much better than Michael Bay, and the unfairness of it all)
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shakin steak wrote :
It can't be worse than Real Steel (it could. But when has Hollywood ever cared about quality? Insert tangent about Roger Corman and how he was so much better than Michael Bay, and the unfairness of it all)

He can make all the crappy movies he wants (Bay), but keep him away from the ones that deal with properties we love. Thank goodness he is nowhere near the MOTU movie or Godzilla 2014.
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voltron of course, sure there was a cartoon..but a major movie would rock
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