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Forum » Bugs & Errors » Current list of bugs and features not yet implemented UPDATED
Here is a current list of issues with existing features and features that are coming but are not yet implemented.


Community Messaging creates an error - This is the "PHP Warning" message followed by extensive code that you get when performing actions like registering, submitting articles and video, receiving CMS messages on your profile page, etc.
The action is still performed, but the "confirmation message" that should appear afterward creates the error.
Saving Drafts does not work - Drafts that are saved do not appear on the profile page of the user. FIXED!

Forum Posts total reflects thread creation only - Only threads created by the user are reflected in the Forum Posts total on the user's profile page. It should reflect both threads created AND replies posted. FIXED!

Signature does not appear to be formatted correctly - in Original Posts the signature is improperly formatted. Other posts do not show the signature at all. FIXED!

Features Coming:

Forums - Edit Threads FIXED!
Forums - Recent Post Info instead of Thread Starter info.
Forums - Bigger Avatars
Forums - Close/Open Categories (for streamlining forum navigation) FIXED!

Forums - Sticky Threads & Locked Threads
Video Submission - Embed Third Party Vids (YouTube,Vimeo, etc.) FIXED!
Article Submission - Saved Draft Deletion. FIXED!
Admin - Manipulate User Points (for issuing bonus points and clearing points after a Cash Out request) FIXED!

Quote Disable Sigs

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Mr Magic
Just take your time.
Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Updated the list... YES!
Quote Disable Sigs
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Updated the list again. COMPLETE!!!
Quote Disable Sigs
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The bug I have noticed since the transition (aside from missing some of the uploaded videos and associated thumbnails, is when you attempt to return to the home page via the "RetroDaze" logo while viewing a thread. It creates this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::update() in /home/vaporman/public_html/protected/controllers/SiteController.php on line 1231

Let me know if you come across something else.

Quote Disable Sigs
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Right now, if you post a NEW thread it is indexed at the very bottom of the category and does NOT show up in the Recent Posts area.

I'm hoping this can be fixed.

In the meantime, feel free to post a reply to your NEW thread in order to make it index properly.
Quote Disable Sigs
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