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Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » The Trial of Captain Sternn

Well, well! Apparently, Captain Sternn appears very confident while his lawyer looks ready to fall apart.

Decided to spend some time sorting through the R-D archives and ran across a thread started by HarryCanyon back in 2013. You guys saw something that I never knwe existed, the movie, "Heavy Metal" from 1981.


I'm familiar with "Heavy Metal" the magazine with featured the Amazing Adventures of Captain Lincoln F. Sternn - the only man twisted enough to steal candy from a baby, then expect a reward if he gives it back!

It's quite a shock to discover that there was a Heavy Metal movie and I never knew anything about it. Now I have the joy of discovery and I can share my admiration for the quality of this animated film from so long ago.

I am amazed at how faithfully the 1981 movie follows the Captain Sternn from the magazine, it really feels like a comicbook come to life!

"Hey Charlie, Capt. Sternn has an angle". And it would have worked except the Captain's paid witness got his hands on the Green Orb - OMG!

Now Check This Out:


Ya know - that first video ended just as the music by Cheap Trick was about to begin. So here is a continuation of the Trial of Captain Sternn accompanied by the song, "Reach Out", by Cheap Trick - 1981.

What's wrong Capt. Sternn? Things aren't going the way you planned?  

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shakin steak

I tell ya what, Eddie. You may not want to write articles, and I feel like I can't write articles, but you've got me going now. I was going to tell the story of how I first discovered Heavy Metal... two times! and I'm up over 500 words already. I think I can turn it into something. Look for my response to this thread... on the front page... soon!

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Let me encourage you to complete your project because your take on all types of media is waay more complete, my observations are more like snapshots. "Heavy Metal" magazine deserves input from all fans. 

As the comicbook industry dies before our eyes, the Heavy Metal style of books mark a unique kind of media - highly valued by me and my crazy friends back at ASU.


Not very many covers that I can post on Retro-Daze!!!

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shakin steak



Who painted that one? Is it Simon Bisley? It looks like his style, but he's one of the big names in later fantasy work, and there's a ton of lesser-knowns who did good stuff too.

And by the way... snapshots are way more interesting to me. Anybody can write a review and regurgitate some stuff from wikipedia. I want to hear personal stories. It's kind of the opposite of recipe blogs, lol. When I'm looking to cook, I don't care about your summer raising livestock in a French village... get to the point and tell me what to do! But when we're talking vintage pop culture, I want to know about how it happened to YOU!

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Ya know, maybe I should write an article for the website.

What's your MO - do you set everything up on WORD then copy/paste?

Or do you work directly onsite, then save as you go?

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shakin steak


Hybrid process. I usually start in Notepad, or the Notes app on my phone. Then I paste into the article composer and add pictures and formatting, which takes a few days and saves as I fine-tune things.

I need to get on a computer to get screenshots to finish this.

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shakin steak wrote :



Hybrid process. I usually start in Notepad, or the Notes app on my phone. Then I paste into the article composer and add pictures and formatting, which takes a few days and saves as I fine-tune things.


I need to get on a computer to get screenshots to finish this.

-end quote


OK, let me flesh out a few ideas. I've got topics that could make a better article, insted of a forum post. I may have to add additional photos to my Pinterest account in order to custom format images.

Stay Tuned.

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