Well, well! Apparently, Captain Sternn appears very confident while his lawyer looks ready to fall apart.
Decided to spend some time sorting through the R-D archives and ran across a thread started by HarryCanyon back in 2013. You guys saw something that I never knwe existed, the movie, "Heavy Metal" from 1981.
I'm familiar with "Heavy Metal" the magazine with featured the Amazing Adventures of Captain Lincoln F. Sternn - the only man twisted enough to steal candy from a baby, then expect a reward if he gives it back!
It's quite a shock to discover that there was a Heavy Metal movie and I never knew anything about it. Now I have the joy of discovery and I can share my admiration for the quality of this animated film from so long ago.
I am amazed at how faithfully the 1981 movie follows the Captain Sternn from the magazine, it really feels like a comicbook come to life!
"Hey Charlie, Capt. Sternn has an angle". And it would have worked except the Captain's paid witness got his hands on the Green Orb - OMG!
Now Check This Out: