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the naughty
Forum » Introductions Please! » Hi from Sweden
Hi everyone!
I found this place via a PM on retrojunk. Hopefully I will like this forum better than theirs

My name is Roger, born 1982 in Sweden. I am (no surprise) a big retro fan and specially the 80s where everyhing was fantastic - the TV shows, the movies, the computers, the video games, the music, the clothes...

I'm an organizer of Swedens biggest retro game convention as well, being held the 11th of May this year, for the fourth time.

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The game doesn't start until you say YES.
Oops. We totally left this guy hanging
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We got to discuss things with him in other threads after that one. Then after some time, he disappeared from the planet.
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Mr Magic
It would be great to talk to some members I haven't spoken to in awhile.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

I'll be sending out an email regarding the Halloween Article Contest this coming week. Maybe that'll bring a few out of the woodwork, if for no other reason than to see what's happening.
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I remember when RJ used to have the member lists, pages and pages of them. It was HUGE! Like 100,000 users! It was everyone who registered, even if they only did it that one time. You could imagine how many different Mario and Zelda username variants there were haha
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Vertex should have just made a section for Zelda and Mario usernames only.
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