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Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Max Headroom intrusion incident
shakin steak

Has anybody here heard of this?  Is anybody else in Chicago?

Is this thing on?

ah...just watch the video.  It's pretty self-explanatory thanks to the text.  And read the wiki thing if you desire to know more.

Wikipedia article explaining

I love this.  As somebody into video art and punk rock and the pioneers in those spaces, everything about it appeals to me.  It could never be done today.  Security is too tight.


Fixed that. For some reason the video was preventing the reply box from showing up.

Anyway, after watching the video, I watched a short documentary about the incident. They were going into different theories regarding the reasoning for the piracy, and things of that nature.

It was funny how serious they were about it. LOL
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
shakin steak
I saw that in related videos, I'll have to check it out when I get home from work. Serious? Yeah wow, this was obviously a prank for fun and the challenge of it all.
Quote Disable Sigs
Too bad such things couldn't be done in this day and age. It would make for more entertaining television than what is actually MEANT to be broadcast these days.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Thats great stuff. I wish had the knowhow to pull it off
Quote Disable Sigs