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Now that I'm back on R-D it's time for another helping of the original Ultraman.

You guys remember Ultraman - "he's just like you . . . only better"

From 1966 comes my favorite episode, I tellin' ya - this one's got Everything!

Start with neighborhood children playing in a landfill next to a petroleum refinery, end with a monster wearing baggies with contrasting bedroom slippers. All I can say about Ultraman's ending fight scene is that they don't make stuff like this anymore!

i love these little oddities from japan

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@benny.bros./featured
Ultraman, or as I know him better... the inspiration for Jet Jaguar, who I liked more because he was in the Godzilla universe.
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