Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Star Trek or Star Wars?
They're two of the biggest sci-fi franchises out there, and I find that most people either tend to be a fan of one or the other or at least have a preference over one or the other. So, which camp do you fall under? I'm more of a Star Wars guy, personally, but I have recently begun making my way through some Star Trek and have been enjoying it. I've watched all of TOS and most of season one of TNG so far, and I can definitely say I'm now a fan, especially of the Spock and Kirk stuff. Still, besides the nostalgia behind Star Wars for me, I do think that lightsabers are cooler than phasers, that the Millennium Falcon is a (slightly) better ship than the Enterprise, that Darth Vader is a more menacing villain than any I've seen on Star Trek thus far, and that Luke, Leia, and Han are the best leads of the two franchises.

Mr Magic
Although, Star Trek: The Next Generation has one of the best TV themes I've ever heard, I'm more of a Star Wars fan.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Mr Magic wrote :

Although, Star Trek: The Next Generation has one of the best TV themes I've ever heard, I'm more of a Star Wars fan.
-end quote

I'm with you on that being a great theme song. It definitely gets me pumped up before I watch each episode.

Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
It DOES get the adrenaline goin'. 
Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."