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Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Lost episode of Rocko's Modern Life??

Well, this is interesting. Teennick has been advertising what they claim to be the "long lost" episode of Rocko's Modern Life that would air this Sunday during The 90s are All That block. I know this is supposedly an April Fools joke they're trying to attempt. Still, I am curious as to what they're planning on attempting. If there ever is to be any "lost" episode they'd air, then it would most likely be one of the following.

A. Leap Frogs
B. The original pilot version of Trash-O-Madness
C. An unedited version of an episode

Personally, I think it would be kind of funny if they broadcasted a jar of mayonnaise for a half hour. So, what are your thoughts about this whole thing?

Mr Magic
You want mayonnaise? You got it! Enjoy the elevator music.

It would definitely be interesting if they showed Leap Frogs or an uncut episode. I wouldn't want it to be some cruel April Fool's joke.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Haha! Guess what guys? It really WAS a jar of mayonnaise that was being broadcasted for 30 minutes. In fact, it's still being broadcasted as I'm typing this for those who want to look.

Someone should post this on Youtube. I find it to be pretty hilarious.

EDIT: Here we go:
Quote Disable Sigs
LOL. That's just cruel. Yet, funny.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.