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Forum » Chew The Fat » Alex Trebek has stage 4 pancreatic cancer

Alex has announced he has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The prognosis for this type and severity of cancer is not good.

Just recently, a lady I work with in the office also received this news. She too is fighting for her life.

I hope Alex and her can overcome this.

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Rick Ace Rhodes
It's sad to see this happen, especially to a public figure who is so engrained in daily life.

I'm glad he's trying to fight it, but I think if I was in his shoes I would honestly just start making my peace now. I would like to spend whatever time I have left having fun with family and friends instead of battling something I don't have a good chance of winning against.
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Mr Magic
I hope anyone who has it can overcome it.
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"Magic can happen to you."