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Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » Extreme All Star Nostalgia Battle
So 5 years ago, not long after I got this site on it's first legs, I purchased an online card battle game from a guy on Flippa.

So 5 years later, I'm finally getting around to working it into the site.

I would say it is probably a fairly standard online card battle game, but I'm not familiar with many of them so I couldn't say with any certainty. Obviously it's themed around "retro" stuff, so the characters you're battling with are a variety of familiar faces from the '70s, '80s, and '90s.

I wish I would have gotten around to this sooner, but other obligations, a lack of knowledge of how to rework the code, and other issues kept that from happening until now. Over the years, I've learned a lot more about code, but still only a tiny, tiny amount.

I think this will be ready to go sometime this week, so keep an eye out.

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Holy **** man! You are like the Tony Stark of retrodom!

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Ha! That’s hilarious. Now if I could just get myself some advanced armor to wear that looked exactly like Roboto.

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I never got into trading card games, but I'm excited to try this.
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The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.
i am there dude
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'you think just because a guy reads comics he can't start some sh*t'
Until I can get a link on the front page to work properly, here is the link to the game page: 

UPDATE: The link on the front page is working now. You may have to clear your browser history/cache to see/use it though.
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