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Forum » Chew The Fat » KayBee Toys / KB Toys
Spinning off the Farewell Toys 'R Us thread, I figured we could discuss the potential resurrection of KayBee Toys here.

In May, new details emerged on the planned comeback of KayBee. Looks like they will begin by testing the waters. This will happen by using the old Spirit/Halloween City tactic of "pop-up stores". 

This will help them gauge the interest level without committing a bunch of resources. A very smart move if you ask me.

So we need to be sure to give them our business this holiday season. I want us all to commit to shopping there and making some purchases for the holidays. Every little bit may help.

In time, they hope to have 600 to 800 permanent locations in malls and outlets. That would be SWEET!!!

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As I mentioned before in the Toys R Us thread, my biggest memory at KB Toys was when I picked up Pokemon Silver Version, and that was a day before it's official release date. Though, it's a damn shame my copy got destroyed after my lemonade spilled on the cartridge.
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Rick Ace Rhodes
I honestly hope this goes well, but I have a feeling it won't. Retail just isn't what it was 20 years ago. Not every retail operation is going to go bankrupt, but it's an industry that's going to significantly shrink as the years go on. KB Toys has already gone bankrupt once before, it could easily follow the same path again.

But then again, maybe the nostalgic feels of Toys R Us going bankrupt has awakened the push in some people to keep these businesses afloat.
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Even if they only ever went the route of "pop-up stores" during the holidays, that would still be SOMETHING.
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