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Forum » Classifieds » Would anyone be interested in selling me any RetroDaze Goodie Packs?
Would anyone be interested in selling me any RetroDaze Goodie Packs? I'd be willing to pay a fair price (including shipping and handling). There aren't any currently available in the Points Store, so I thought I'd put the offer out there in case anyone who has them would be interested.

I realize I could find a lot of the items that were available in the Goodie Packs online, but from what I understand there were also a few cool items in them that are unique to RetroDaze (a ticket to the showing of War of the Robots in the RetroDaze Theater, Dutch and Hamato figures, some RetroDaze stickers, a RetroDaze mini stocking Christmas ornament, a RetroDaze card stock Christmas ornament, and a Photog Smurf Halloween magnet). I'm very interested in these items. So, I'll also put another offer out there. If anybody is willing to sell me any of these individual RetroDaze nicknacks, I am interested and willing to pay.

If anybody has any of these items or a full Goodie Pack they are willing to sell, feel free to reply to this post or to send me a PM.

I'd forgotten all about those really cool Halloween Photog Smurf magnets. Those were really neat. I might still have some Dutch and Hamato figures I can send you at no charge. Won't know until I get back from vacation though. 
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That's really generous. Thanks, Vaporman.
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NO problem Supes

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