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So how many Ready Player One fans do we have in this forum?

 When I read that book I had a nostalgiagasm from Beginning to end. Seeing the trailers for the movie with all the cameos literally brought tears to my eyes. For the uninitiated let me just paint a picture to illustrate why you should care. 
There is a battle in the Book that has , The Enterprise, Millennium Falcon, Neon Genesis mechs, Zords, Firefly ships, A Delorean time machine with a Knight rider Grill and a license plate that reads Ecto 88, The book references, TMNT, Battletoads, Halo, LOTR, Dnd Characters, John Hughes Move Characters, Marvel, DC, WOW characters, Everquest, G.I.Joe, Transformers, Masters of the Universe, Thunder-cats, War-games, Ultraman, Joust, Pacman, Say anything, Different strokes, The list goes on and on. 

I have been anticipating this movie with bated breath. Then the worst thing of all time happend to me 2 days ago. So I currently live in China and Have Helped throw some Retro Gaming Cons in Hong Kong. Well 2 days ago I got a message on my phone from the owner of a shop in HK called Otaku games and one of the main organizers of the Con. He asked if I was coming to Hong that Day. I responded yes. however, unbeknownst to me, My phone didn't really send the message. You may know that 80 percent of the internet in Mainland China is blocked. We use VPN'S to hack over the Great Firewall. They aren't reliable sometimes. 
Then yesterday I woke up and looked on Facebook , and to my shock I saw that all the guys from the Retro.HK Not only got to go to the exclusive Hong Kong invite only world premiere, They walked away with some awesome as hell NES carts with Ready Player One emblazoned upon them. 
I instantly messaged them and was like "Woah dude I would do anything for one of those. I have read that book a million times, how do I get one. The guy responded. "Well if you hadn't ignored me we had a ticket for you but when i messaged you , you did not respond. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed. I picked up my phone and sure enough. Failed to send. I'm super bummed. 
Any Ready Player One Fans here?

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KodaK The Douche of I Remember Gaming.
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Yes, almost all of us are pumped for the film. It will be one that I may actually try to catch on opening weekend instead of waiting a week like I normally do.

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Man, those promo cartridges are bound to be worth a fortune. Major bummer.

I loved the book, and I'm glad the movie is tailoring the references to a more American audience. The book had too much Japanese stuff for me to really connect. 
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