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Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » RetroDaze Public Domain Theater officially begins development

KingdomEvil (also known by the name Moudy) has been tapped to develop the RetroDaze Public Domain Theater feature.


I am optimistic that this developer experience will exceed all others in satisfaction (we'll see).

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Anyone that wishes to view the Word .docs, "Member Side Breakdown" and "Admin Side Breakdown" that were sent to Moudy (the developer) to explain each new option and feature that needs added, can say so here.

I will email the .docs to your email address on file here.

They are very thorough breakdowns and took a long time to create, but they should help avoid any confusion during the development.
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Id like to see them.
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raptor9873 wrote :
Id like to see them.

Documents sent. Let me know if they didn't make it.
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This is a partial image from the actual Theater Exterior page (it has been resized down a bit). The "Buy Ticket" button is functional and the "Now Playing" sign can be modified to show the title of the film.


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Progress continues on the PDT. The Theater Exterior work is complete, and work on the Theater Interior and inner workings are coming along nicely. The major sticking point is the means for "live streaming" the film. Some research on the best way to approach that is under way.
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Well, thanks to some diligence on the part of the developer, it appears that we have an actual, working, theater now. Movies can be streamed live to all in attendance and almost simultaneously (there is a very tiny bit of lag between the admin screen and member screen). This is a MAJOR step forward.

There are some minor hiccups (choppiness in playback) that need some work, but I am confident that Moudy knows what he is doing and will make short work of this issue.

This is exciting.
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shakin steak
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shakin steak wrote :

raptor wrote :

I peed a little when I first found out. It was that great.

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Awesome, I'm looking forward to checking it out.
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