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Forum » Retro Products » Need help identifying a toy
This one may be a tougher one.....but I'm trying to find the name, pictures and info on a toy and am having zero luck with my searches.

In the mid-80's, I inherited a toy from my older brother.  It was a Marvel Comics tracing set.  It was a yellow, sloped box with a white top.  Inside the box was a light bulb that lit up the box top.  It also came with numerous sheets of paper featuring Marvel characters in various poses.  I remember it featured Spider-Man, Thor, Loki, Hulk, Cpt. American and others.

I'm not sure if it is from the late 70's or early 80's.  I think it may have been designed for you to make your own comics.

Hopefully, someone out there can shed some light on this for me.  If there is anymore info I can provide, let me know.

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Is this it?

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Looks a lot like it.  The one I'm describing featured Marvel characters.

Can you tell me when this one was produced?
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mickyarber wrote :

Looks a lot like it.  The one I'm describing featured Marvel characters.

Can you tell me when this one was produced?
-end quote
1979 I believe. Here is a Marvel one.

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I believe that's it!  Thanks
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Nicely done, BitRot.
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