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Forum » Retro Products » Ecto-Cooler is back!
shakin steak
Or rather, it will be back. That's the word on the street, internet, anyway. This Nerdist article points to this Twitter account which cites the Nerdist article... um... anyway, somebody found out the trademark for the drink was renewed. I don't know why Hi-C ever stopped making "Shoutin’ Orange Green" flavor, but that's the way the slime drips, or something. Hopefully they have the sense this time to keep making it, even if they have to remove licensed characters from the package.

It doesn't even matter whether the new Ghostbusters movies will be good or bad any more. Ecto-Cooler!

Yay our childhood is coming back!
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I read about this over at DinosaurDracula. I'm guessing this is going to be part of the new Ghostbusters marketing. Even though I won't be paying a red cent to watch this new atrocity of a film, I WILL happily cave in and buy Ecto-Coolers. And I didn't even buy/drink them the first go-around. 
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This time around I will be stocking up. 
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So a sample can has showed up on eBay. Could be a hoax, but it looks pretty legit to me.

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I would say it's legit. With the movie getting close to release, these things will start to show up pretty regularly hereafter. The can looks lame. They should have stuck with Slimer on the box. This can design tells me all I need to know about the new movie... a lame reproduction of something that was far better off being left alone.
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Vaporman87 wrote :
This can design tells me all I need to know about the new movie... a lame reproduction of something that was far better off being left alone.
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Wow... you managed to sum up this entire project perfectly!
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They better not do some ridiculous limited edition bull crap that only resellers can get their hands on for ebay.  I'm so sick of that happening with products that have no right being as limited as they are.  On a side note, apparently Hostess is also coming out with a slime filled Twinkie  :-)

And yes, I will absolutely buy both of these products so I can watch old VHS tapes and pretend it's the 80s/90s again.
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onipar wrote :
And yes, I will absolutely buy both of these products so I can watch old VHS tapes and pretend it's the 80s/90s again.
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You won't find any of us here giving you grief over it. I could use a good 80's night myself.
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I like that it comes in a can but where is Slimer? 
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