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Forum » Retro Video Games » Warcraft
First teaser trailer for the major motion picture-

Alliance vs Horde

Warcraft II and III were some of my favorite games growing up! Although I never played WOW, I am very excited to see the Warcraft universe on the big screen.

For me I consider WOW the best game ever created,there's no other game in history  that even close to compete with that, I guess you missed a lot by not playing it!
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Never played much Warcraft myself. I was more of a Command & Conquer player.
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I love the Orcs in these games. I was disappointed in the Lord of the Rings that they weren't all hulking beasts like Uruk-Hai
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I could never commit to playing a game that involving, so watching the movie seems like a good compromise. Looks awesome. Hoping for some buff chicks in armor.
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Rick Ace Rhodes
I've never been big into strategy games. It's probably been my least favorite genre. There's certainly been games I thought were decent, but never anything that's really stuck out. The only one I've ever really enjoyed a lot was StarCraft.
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