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never be
1990 - The Year Santa Died


Bah Humbug!


Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Small Wonder
Hard to even fathom, but the cooky (and often maligned) television show Small Wonder will turn 30 very soon. I recall watching first run episodes of this show every once in a while, but I was never enamored with it like some kids. I did like the idea of being a robot, and had a kid crush on Tiffany Brissette to a certain extent. Perhaps somebody will have the crazy idea to reboot this? Stupider things have happened...

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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
What the heck?! Now I've seen everything!
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

They show this on Antenna tv. I've seen the show a few times, but didn't watch it much.
Quote Disable Sigs