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Forum » Chew The Fat » X-Men: Apocalypse Villain Reveal
So Fox and Bryan Singer have finally revealed what Apocalypse looks like. Oh man is it disappointing. He looks like he's one part Ivan Ooze, one part Mr. Freeze (from Batman and Robin), one part Wishmaster, and one part Travolta from Battlefield Earth.

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Mr Magic
In other words, he's a freak of nature.
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What is it with the X-Men movies wanting to shrink down and ruin baddies? Apocalypse should be the size of Thanos in Avengers. Yet here we see the same watered down look given to Juggernaut. I really hope Marvel gets the rights back in my lifetime and rectifies this mess of a film series.
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Vaporman87 wrote :

What is it with the X-Men movies wanting to shrink down and ruin baddies? Apocalypse should be the size of Thanos in Avengers. Yet here we see the same watered down look given to Juggernaut. I really hope Marvel gets the rights back in my lifetime and rectifies this mess of a film series.
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No kidding! Holy crap this looks so bad. The only good X-Men movie was First Class. Bryan Singer just does not get the series.
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Rick Ace Rhodes
Vaporman87 wrote :

What is it with the X-Men movies wanting to shrink down and ruin baddies? Apocalypse should be the size of Thanos in Avengers. Yet here we see the same watered down look given to Juggernaut. I really hope Marvel gets the rights back in my lifetime and rectifies this mess of a film series.
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I've never been a fan of the X-Men movies to begin with. I never even been a big fan of X-Men period. The only thing I ever liked from that franchise is the 90's animated series. They should of stopped making the movies along time ago. They've just become such a tangled mess that it seems like everyone has lost interest in the story and is simply seeing it for the action (almost like the Transformers movie franchise).
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Mr Magic
I'll admit that I did like the 2000 X-Men movie for the action.
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"Magic can happen to you."

i liked x-men 1 and 2  and dofp but i am a huge x-men fan it's hard to make me not like something x-men and fantastic 4  related  but putting the pic between rita and zed cracked me up  lol.
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'you think just because a guy reads comics he can't start some sh*t'
Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :
I've never been a fan of the X-Men movies to begin with. I never even been a big fan of X-Men period. The only thing I ever liked from that franchise is the 90's animated series.
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Ha! Me too. If only they could bottle up the animated series and plop it on screen in live action form, they'd have my money.
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