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Forum » Retro T.V. & Movies » Vote for our favorite film of 1985

Originally posted: --- Hoping the RetroDaze crew will join in the fun!

March Madness is upon us once again! After the success of last year's 1984 Movie Madness, we totally had to come back this year and have our favorite movies from 30 years ago battle it out in... 1985 Movie Madness! Last year's tournament crowned Sixteen Candles as our favorite movie from 1984 (and you can check out those results by that link). This year we certainly have some strong contenders from 1985 including a few of the most iconic films of the decade. It's hard to believe that it has been 30 years since some of these movies were released in theaters.

I picked 64 of the top movies released in 1985, divided them into four regions based on genre and seeded them within each region. Those regions are Comedy/Romantic Comedy, Drama, Action/Horror/Thriller/Western and Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Kids. Some films crossed genres, so I did my best to assign them where I felt they fit best. The top seeded films from each region are:

Back to the Future The Breakfast ClubThe GooniesReal Genius

We already celebrated the 30th anniversary of The Breakfast Club on February 15th. The Goonies will celebrate 30 years on June 7th and Back to the Future, the highest grossing movie of 1985, on July 3rd. Speaking of Back to the Future, please check out (and pre-order) our friend Caseen Gaines' upcoming book We Don't Need Roads: The Making of the Back to the Future Trilogy ( Out of Africa won the Oscar for Best Picture, but along with another popular drama, The Color Purple, weren't released until December 18th so barely qualified for this year's tournament.

Here is snapshot of the complete tournament bracket for this year (but you'll find all of the match-ups at the link below)...

1985 Movie Madness - Round 1

Now is the part where you come in! Join the madness. PLEASE VOTE and let others know. Voting on first round match-ups is already open. Please follow the link below to vote now:

Unfortunately, you do have register at the website before you can vote, but it is relatively easy to do and, if you voted last year, you should already be registered. Voting for each round will only be open for a limited time, so get your vote in now. Results will be posted and you will be notified when voting for the next round is open. It is important to keep coming back to vote each round because the choice will get tougher and tougher as we narrow it down. Your votes will choose a champion by the end of the month!

Please help spread the word and get as many voters participating as possible. Please stop by our Facebook page and let us know you voted in our 1985 Movie Madness tournament: Please share it on Facebook, Twitter and any other social networks you frequent. Really hope we can get a lot of participation again and look forward to crowning our favorite film of 1985.

Sweet 16 voting is open 1 more day!  Hope Retro-Daze folks are voting & sharing. If you are, then thank you & much appreciation. Awesome 8 voting will be open by Thursday.  Tough decisions ahead.  
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Elite 8 voting is now open!  Please take a moment to register your vote & let others know as well.  Much appreciated.
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Whoever is responsible for voting out Better Off Dead with National Lampoon's European Vacation should be hung out to dry.
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You love this signature.
This is pretty fun; just cast mah vote for today.
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Do the frog!

~ Super Mario Bros. 3 [DiC]

@Vaporman87 100% agree. I was shocked that Better Off Dead was knocked out like that. I was actually surprised European Vacation beat Clue in the 1st round, then beat Just One of the Guys in the 2nd as well.

@SegaFanatic Thanks so much for voting!

Everybody, the championship match is open for voting now for just a couple days!  The Breakfast Club vs. Back to the Future. Please take a moment to stop by and vote. Thanks to everybody who has participated!

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