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Displaying 2351-2360 of 5281 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4642ArticleBenjanimeIn most cases, some of the stuff listed actually helped me get through a depression phase I was having during my time in high school. I won't go against opinion and I do see your point, some view it different than others. I guess since school was still taking its toll with my social life I felt like these were all underrated things that I was missing out on at times. Oct 26, 2018View
292VideoBenjanimein conker's bad fur day he wore water wings for a while xDConker's Twelve Tales Gameplay ShowcaseFeb 08, 2013View
1898ArticlevkimoIn case anyone is wondering why this was published on Retro-Daze and not RJ, the owner of RetroJunk wouldn't approve it. Remembering RetroJunkFeb 08, 2015View
2299ArticleRopasIn Brazil we love Super Mario 3. But my favorite game from NES is Yo Noid. Another unforgetable game is Duck Tales. The Capcom did a new version from Duck Tales in 2013.NES: The 5 Best GamesJun 08, 2015View
1346ArticleVaporman87In answer to that question, it could be worse. Stinkor. Great article! I myself enjoyed the Slime Pit, but aside from that I played very little with slime related toys. I think the down sides that you described here were all it took to make me NOT a slime fan. Silly Putty on the other hand...Slime Time!Sep 30, 2014View
35ArticleBenjanimein a sense, yes. i took envy in getting almost everything in the game, but after getting around to say, late on the second disc, i decided to start putting my game time to a limit of one to two hours a day. it was mandatory anyway since my playstation began turning into a heater after about four hours of useThousand Arms (1999) ReviewDec 11, 2012View
3679ArticleNLoganIn 1998 I had a black Space Jam long sleeved shirt. It had the Tune Squad on it with Bugs,Wile E. Coyote, and the Tazmanian Devil with Space Jam written on the sleeves. I also had a Marvin the Martian ball-cap. <img src="/images/postImages/1484176697spacejam.jpg" height="377" width="251"> Bugs Bunny 50th Anniversary MagazineJan 11, 2017View
125VideoCaps 2.0Impressive...Just like something that one might've seen back when syndicated stations weren't affiliated with the CW or MyNetwork.RetroDaze PDT Intro DemoJan 11, 2013View
954ArticleMr MagicImagine having one of those Good Guy dolls from Child's Play. You don't want it coming to life.The Fear of ToysJan 24, 2014View
4923VideoLazloIm watching this in May 2019, so months after Christmas... but I had to say what a sweet Holiday message. Good to see Mindy Cohn again. :) Merry Christmas from Mindy CohnMay 11, 2019View