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Displaying 1121-1130 of 5281 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2953ArticleVaporman87Epic. lol. Just epic, this. On the down side, it's pretty easy to see why Halloween sucked for you. I mean... pooping your pants... that pretty much seals the deal. But there are just so many reasons here for you to despise Halloween, yet you seem to have made peace with it. Perhaps as time goes on, and you have kids of your own, then Halloween will become what it should have always been for you... a joy. Oct 15, 2015View
1012ArticleMissMErik, I am not sure that schools still do that. I don't know. I have worked in schools before and I don't recall there being Valentine parties, but I also was not working in the class room, so that might be why I did not know. I still passed cards out when I was older, but not because it was a school mandated thing. I just wanted to keep that fun spirit alive. Vaproman, I so loved Tiny Toons! lol There was a lot of attention given to the card box. I have always been in awe of this thing, even to this day when I know that it would be a bit over the top. And I'm glad the fart joke cracked you up! I am always ready to try and say something funny. I hope you guys are doing well!For the Love of V-Day! Part 4Feb 18, 2014View
4857ArticleBenjanimeerr, hey vapor any way you can correct the article title? i could've sworn i put vs. and not just v before submitting.The Sonic v Mario debateFeb 21, 2019View
2882VideoMr MagicEspecially with her Halloween pranks.Roseanne and Tom Arnold Behind the Scenes Movie AdOct 12, 2015View
5821ArticleBenjanimeEven if barely anyone is available to come over to celebrate, I think it's worth having the decorations out. Usually when members of the family will send over gifts in the mail and don't wrap them, I do that job. But as of recent years, several relatives have passed away and the house has gotten noticeably more quiet without them. But in spirit I know they'd still want me to keep going with keeping the tradition alive.What Happened to the Christmas Magic?Nov 12, 2024View
259VideoMr MagicEven if the girls truly went bad, they'd break out of prison anyway, 'cause they're the Powerpuff Girls!The Powerpuff Girls: Crime 101Feb 05, 2013View
4936ArticleBenjanimeeven in my adult years i have yet to beat this game. i heard the japanese version is actually easier than the U.S. version.Nintendo Discoveries: The Adventures of Bayou BillyMay 20, 2019View
1209ArticleVaporman87Even in no man's land here, we still had a few pieces that were "Chinese". Mostly deep, gloss black end tables with crazy gold dragon and other print all over it. The wood was SO cheap. They may as well have made it from cardboard. Retro ThriftingSep 07, 2014View
2935VideoMr MagicEven the dog auditioned.Diet Pepsi-AuditionsOct 14, 2015View
5514ArticleBenjanimeeven with abc family's dopey modern namechange i still think it was a good idea to have it start earlier. granted i don't really watch TV all that much anymore in general, but i will say that if i grow tired of seeing repeats that i'll just put in one of the movies i own instead.A Closer Look At: The 13 Days of HalloweenOct 03, 2021View