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Forum » Chew The Fat » Wonderful Christmastime
Mr Magic

An old Paul McCartney Christmas song.

One year before John Lennon's death.

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Isn't it strange how so many artists have tried to create a new Christmas song, in hopes that it might catch on. But Christmas music seems to be a genre of it's own. The elements that should combine to form a memorable song don't always work as expected.

Here's a tip from some of the Christmas shows of the past. 

Say you're making a Christmas movie or TV special. The key is to fill the special with "non-Christmas" music because the Christmas spirit arises from the story, not the songs. If you do use a Christmas song, be careful where you place it in the story, for greatest impact.

Remember how Clarice sang about "Tomorrow", in the Rudolph special? It's a "non-Christmas" song that conveys a sense of hope that's shared with the Holiday spirit.

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remember that one song from the 2001 grinch remake that got two versions?


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That's interesting, Ben. If you took that song and substituted "Christmas" with a different word, it would still feel like a Holiday song.

I hear "Christmas" in songs that have nothing to do with the Holiday. Take the song "Sweet Life", by Paul Davis, from 1978. It's a song with the "feel" of a Holiday ballad. 

Paul Davis died in April 2008, about the time I joined RetroJunk. His song, "Sweet Life", always sounds like it's right out of a Christmas movie.

Change around some of the lyrics and "Sweet Life" could be a Holiday song.

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