Forum » Chew The Fat » No Man's Sky Update

Finally, you can now turn alien critters into pets with the lastest No Man's Sky update. Levels of customations allow you to create your own one of a kind companion. And you can interact with random wildlife if you so choose.


i never gave this game much attention regarding the criticism it got when it first launched, but i think i'll pick it up sometime this year, if i can remember. now it sounds like it has the promise it should have. have we gotten any news on a next gen update?

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
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I think I bought this for like $7 when it was first getting ripped apart by critics. Played a little, thought it was okay but very monotonous, and put it away. I've heard over the years that there have been tons of updates and that it's a very different experience now. Been meaning to pop that sucker in and give it a second chance. Probably once I'm done with The Last of Us 2, I'll give this a go. 

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Rick Ace Rhodes

I got it when it first came out and didn't like it. I played it for the first time since then not too long ago and it wasn't that bad. It's not really my type of game, I would have enjoyed more what Star Citizen would have done with the concept had they ever released that disaster of a game. But I have to give the developers credit, they really turned the reputation of this game around and delivered a great game. They atoned for their mistakes as far as I'm concerned.

If you guys want a good video on the subject, a YouTuber named Internet Historian did a great documentary on the game. The hype, the disasterous release and then how they turned it all around. It does a good job of exploring the numerous factors that caused the game to be so bad in the beginning.


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*Insert funny signature here*

It's high time I admit I'm one of "those guys" that got swept up in the whole "Star Citizen" dream, cuz for me it's the journey that's more important than the destination.

Got so distracted from "No Man's Sky", I lost track of it all. And of course, the game has gone through so many updates since. I never saw the December 2020 award for "Best Ongoing Game", and it looked like Sean Murry never saw it coming either, LOL!!!

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