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Forum » Chew The Fat » The Grandia Collection
For those unaware, it was announced back in last August by Gung Ho Entertainment that they would be rereleasing the first two Grandia games for the Nintendo Switch as well as Steam. The first Grandia originated on the Sega Saturn and Playstation, while Grandia II released on the Dreamcast, PS2 and PC. These rereleases will have an updated UI, option to change languages and graphics filters. As of today, it's finally gotten a release date, so for any old school RPG fans out there, this is sure to be a treat.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
i'm a day late on posting this, but the grandia hd collection is out on switch! the price tag might be a little steep for some as it's $40, but for the graphical updates in textures and improved FMV scenes i'd say it's worth it. if you haven't played these two old school RPGs that originated on the playstation and dreamcast, this is the definitive way to play them. grandia 2 is already on steam, but the first game will be releasing to it next month..

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel: