I've been trying to find this song for years with no luck since I can't even remember the actual words in it :-)
Forum » Retro Music » Song I need help finding name of
This was a song from the 80's I believe, but possibly late 70's to early 90's. It was a song I only heard in skating rinks. It was a song along the lines of "Planet Rock", except it was mostly music, very little lyrics. The only lyrics I remember was something like what you would hear a stewardess say on an airplane, and I believe it was with a foreign accent. Quote |
Was it this?
No, that is Planet Rock. This song reminds me of planet rock, and was in the same era, but it has very little lyrics in it. I don't remember the lyrics exactly but I believe it was like something a stewardess or pilot would say on an airplane intercom.
Oh wow, i feel like such an idiot haha.
Maybe these?: |
Or this?
Same genre I believe, but non of those are it. This song only has maybe 10 words in it the whole song. I know I haven't given you much to work on :-) This will be one I may never find :-( Thanks for trying though!
Was it this?