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Forum » Chew The Fat » Tetris or Dr. Mario? Which was the more nerve-racking puzzle game?
Mr Magic

When it comes to puzzle games, you better think QUICK! Especially on those tougher levels!

On Tetris, I got through the first 8 levels pretty quickly. Still working on 9, though. Dr. Mario on the other hand, I got through maybe 6 or 7. I think in terms of difficulty, Tetris is the tougher game.

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my sister and mom were more puzzle type gamers than me, even puyo puyo (or dr. robotnik's mean bean machine if you were introduced to that series from that game) was especially difficult for me to get into, i mean they look fun when watching someone become a real wizard at the games, but other than that, i'm just stuck with playing platformers, RPGs, shooters, and some racing games here and there.


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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Mr Magic

Gotta be somethin' special to rack up 999,999 points.

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."