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Displaying 7221-7230 of 48986 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
43070The 2000's<div>@Caps</div><div><br></div><div>just make sure it isn't anything cringy like the live action alvin and the chipmunks movies. *cringing intensifies*</div>BenjanimeJun 27, 2019View
43069The 2000'sI hope that, starting next year, we can start posting 00s material regularly. I have a bunch of trailers to put up.Caps 2.0Jun 27, 2019View
43068The 2000'sA modern day sports anthem.<div><br></div><div><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div><div><br></div><div>This song was released in the late 90s, but it's been played a bunch of times in sports arenas in the 2000s.</div>Mr MagicJun 27, 2019View
43067Men in Black: InternationalThe term being dropped online is, "franchise fatigue", but I think something else is going on.<div><br></div><div>Audience expectations in 2019 is very different from the 20th century. Many of these movie reboots are misreading contemporary tastes. It's as if the movie industry still thinks it's 1997 and audiences are frozen in time.</div><div><br></div><div>I sense no appetite for a refreshed MIB any more than a new Child's Play.</div>eddstarrJun 27, 2019View
43066The 2000's<span style="font-style: normal;">So Beth Chapman from </span><i>Dog the Bounty Hunter</i> has passed away.<div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div><div style="font-style: normal;">I bring it up here because Dog was probably one of the of the best television shows back in the 2000's.</div><div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>Rick Ace RhodesJun 26, 2019View
43065Worst Cartoon EpisodesHey Gang, thanks for the welcome back!<div><br></div><div>Last time I was here "Teen Titans Go" got a passing grade from me. But I've got to throw in the towel now.</div><div>"The Fourth Wall" episode made me feel like a jackass, even as I watched.</div><div><br></div><div>The whole episode was like, "remember when cartoons had better writing and artwork?"&nbsp; Well . . . yes!</div> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>eddstarrJun 26, 2019View
43064Worst Cartoon EpisodesI once saw a Family Guy Christmas episode from the 2010s that was quite sickening.<div><br></div><div>It was snowing hard outside and this couple knocked on the Griffins' front door. Peter opened the door and we find out that the woman is going into labor. Well, rather than letting the freezing couple inside the nice, warm house, Peter, thanks to his family's protests, just slammed the door in their faces. And Lois said "You handled that very well."</div><div><br></div><div>That's how much Family Guy has hit rock bottom.</div>Mr MagicJun 26, 2019View
43063Update the layout sitewide<div>@rick</div><div><br></div><div>retrojunk had a youtube button at the convenience of making embedding a piece of cake, i believe i suggested having that feature being on here a few years back, i'm sure it could be done</div>BenjanimeJun 26, 2019View
43062Update the layout sitewide<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="Rick Ace Rhodes"><b>Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :</b><br><i><br> If we're bringing up suggestions, I only have one: can we change how we embed videos into articles and the forum? It's kind of a pain to do it the way it is now. </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Really? It's pretty easy actually. You just copy the embed code from YouTube and click the film reel icon up in the text area, enter the embed code, and you're done.&nbsp;<img src=""> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><div>It can kind of be a pain at times. It's kind of messy to go through the article code and insert the proper embed code for the video you want. Especially if your someone like me who likes to write ahead and insert photos/videos later. I have to scroll through paragraphs of writing to find the right spot. The doesn't even include aligning it properly.</div><div><br></div>I would rather if it's possible to just do what we have with the insert image feature: just put in the URL link and the video is inserted into whatever spot you currently have the cursor at.Rick Ace RhodesJun 26, 2019View
43061Worst Cartoon Episodes<div>edd it's been a while!</div><div><br></div><div>the mega man cartoon had this episode called "curse of the lion men" where the premise was about a group of anthropomorphic lion people going around turning humans into lion creatures like them. dunno what the writers were smoking with this one.<br></div><div><br></div><div><img width="386" height="218" src="/images/postImages/1561508099megamanlion.jpg"></div>BenjanimeJun 26, 2019View