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Displaying 7131-7140 of 48985 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
43160Random Videos ThreadI've had this tune stuck in my head since yesterday. Send help.&nbsp;<img src=""><div><br></div><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>jkatzJul 06, 2019View
43159That's Just Stupidthanks to the butting in of an anti-smoking group, <a href="">netflix will feature far less smoking in their shows.</a><br>BenjanimeJul 06, 2019View
43158The CaféFour months to the day I got a brand new computer chair it brakes on me.Rick Ace RhodesJul 06, 2019View
43157That's Just Stupid<a href="">This chick goes into Wal-Mart, licks the ice cream and then puts it back in the freezer.</a>Mr MagicJul 06, 2019View
43156Random Pictures Thread<div>Would you play this?</div><div><br></div><img src="/images/postImages/1562387613Crab_nicholson.jpg">jkatzJul 06, 2019View
43155Hindsight is not always 20/20I like Red Letter Media and generally agree with their reviews (especially of modern movies). When I don't, it's no big deal. Sometimes when you go back to watch a movie it's not as good as you remembered it. It just means your tastes and standards have evolved.&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">One of my favorite stupid movies is&nbsp;</span><i style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Superfuzz</i><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">, starring Terrence Hill and Ernest Borgnine. It's about a cop that gets superpowers. Trust me, it makes&nbsp;</span><i style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Independence Day</i><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">&nbsp;look like Oscar nominee material.</span><div><br><div>What I find more troubling is the trend of declaring older movies "problematic" and then censoring them to be more compliant for today's culture. Recently Disney removed a credits joke from Toy Story 2. It's disturbing to think how many other movies this could be applied to...<br><div><br></div><div><br><div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div></div></div></div>jkatzJul 06, 2019View
43154Sony Cassette Tape Makes a ComebackWhen cassettes first came out their main draw was portability, but you were limited by how many cassettes you could carry (not to mention the hassle of flipping them over from side to side and fast forwarding/rewinding). In today's age where you can stream virtually any album on your phone, I honestly don't know why anybody would chose an inferior format over that, unless it's a misplaced sense of nostalgia or some hipster-ish contrarian need to make things unnecessarily more difficult and inconvenient.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Seriously, I know we all love the retro here, but as somebody who grew up using cassette tapes, I don't miss them at all.</div>jkatzJul 06, 2019View
43153Sony Cassette Tape Makes a ComebackMaybe it's the novelty of owning the music in a physical way. That novelty may wear off quickly Cassettes don't hold up well over time. My old cassettes aren't worth the plastic they're encased in.eddstarrJul 06, 2019View
43152Sony Cassette Tape Makes a ComebackHmmm... not sure what to think of this. When Vinyl made a comeback, it made a lot of sense. There was more to Vinyl then just the nostalgia of it. Vinyl had a much more uncompressed sound quality than what you would get when listening to it digitally. It's not even something that's noticed by audiophiles, even people who have listened to music digitally their whole lives, who listened to a Vinyl record noticed how much more you can hear that is lost when transferred digitally. Some people who listened to Vinyl for the first time found it hard to go back to MP3s, and I think it is because of this that is why Vinyl made as big of a comeback as it did.<div><br></div><div>I don't quite see the same happening with Sony Audio Cassette tapes. I'm sure there will be people that will be buying simply for the nostalgia of it, or to have a collector's item from their favorite band or soundtrack. But I don't see this having the same comeback that Vinyl did in recent years.</div>blueluigiJul 06, 2019View
43151Sony Cassette Tape Makes a Comeback<span style="font-style: normal;">The death of the cassette spelled the end to a lot of local vocal guys like Peter Rosenberg - cloggin' toilets all up and down the east coast wrap scene. His bud "Bam Bam" made him spend the night in his limo - just to teach him a lesson, </span><i>don't cha know!</i> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>eddstarrJul 05, 2019View