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Displaying 6371-6380 of 49043 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
44090The Café<p>That judge Barbie sounds kinda fun. I&#39;d get one and make my other dolls be litigians over absurd lawsuits.</p> pikachuloverOct 13, 2019View
44089Self-Serve Milkshakes<p>There&#39;s one near my local Costco. I haven&#39;t been to it. I just used the website&#39;s locator.</p> pikachuloverOct 13, 2019View
44088Self-Serve Milkshakes<p>The local gas stations have these but I haven&#39;t tried them.</p> Vaporman87Oct 13, 2019View
44087Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>after attending howl-o-scream at busch gardens williamsburg this year i can safely say that just like previous years before the novelty has pretty much been gone since the mid 2000s. decorations across the park felt lazily put together, people dressed as chainsaw maniacs just pacing back and forth and maze rooms with attempts at jumpscares. there were two live shows that were interesting but that was about it. obviously the weekend i went the park was uncomfortably packed so i was around for just a few hours and then headed home from there. if there was one highlight i had about it it was during one of the maze room walks that there was a couple behind me and the girl was actually freaking out with every jumpscare while i just went about unflinched.</p> BenjanimeOct 13, 2019View
44086Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>@Ben:</p> <p>It&#39;s strange how Hamton&#39;s family never knew what was going on while Plucky was being attacked. It&#39;s a cartoon thing, I guess.</p> <p>Can you believe Hamton actually gave the hitchhiker Plucky&#39;s address?&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicOct 12, 2019View
44085Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>And that&#39;s why October is so awesome to me - from Tiny Toon Adentures to the Hitchhiker&#39;s Guide to the Galaxy, I see Halloween in everything I like.</p> <p>Try a bit of &quot;Chaotic&quot; from twelve years ago:</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"></iframe></p> eddstarrOct 12, 2019View
44084Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>the hitchhiker from tiny toon adventures was plucky&#39;s worst nightmare</p> <p><img alt="" height="360" src="" width="480" /></p> <p><img alt="" height="293" src="" width="428" /></p> BenjanimeOct 12, 2019View
44083The Café<p>Rick - That&#39;s sounds like a great event to be present at. At least the parents of those children seem to be exposing them to the great things they enjoyed in their own childhoods.</p> Vaporman87Oct 12, 2019View
44082Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>&quot;It&#39;ll rip your mind apart!&quot;&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="eddstarr" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>eddstarr wrote :</strong><em> </em> <p><em><em><span style="font-size:18px">Best Movie Trailer Ever Made!!!</span></em></em></p> <em> </em><strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Oct 12, 2019View
44081The Café<p>Boy do I feel old today. I attended a time capsule opening at a Middle School. It was placed there in 1994 by another Middle School class. The time capsule itself didn&#39;t really hold any nostalgic items. Or at least nostalgic to me. It was mostly filled with class assignments and artwork made by the class who buried it.</p> <p>Instead, what really got me nostalgic was this presentation they did before opening the capsule. They decided to put together a video montage of news events, television show openings, music, commercials, the styles and just all other things from the year that this capsule was planted. Because this opening was being done in front of an assembly of current middle schoolers, they put together this montage to show them what the world was like back then.</p> <p>Really hit home just how far we are from the childhoods we talk about on here.</p> <p>I will say that I left with a little bit more hope for the new generation. Despite this presentation being done to show these kids how different the world was back then, these kids all knew everything about what was being presented to them. They knew the theme songs and sang along with them, they cheered when certain things were shown and they recognized things that you would think kids these ages would now nothing about.</p> <p>Nice to know we aren&#39;t that old yet.</p> Rick Ace RhodesOct 12, 2019View