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Displaying 5901-5910 of 48983 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
44526The Café<p>@Pika:</p> <p>Really? I&nbsp;must be thinking of someone else.</p> Mr MagicDec 04, 2019View
44525My articles<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>No offense, but I agree. Heck, I recently did an article about my favourite obscure cartoons and kid&#39;s shows (which has yet to be posted.&nbsp;Just throwing that out there. No particular reason) and even I made sure to polish it before publishing it</p> RetroSnob88Dec 04, 2019View
44524YouTube's nail in the coffin<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I&#39;ve dealt with government regulations long enough to understand that there are some that you must absolutely comply with, and others that you can negotiate your way around. Like blue said, there is just no way for the government to adjudicate every instance of failure to fully comply with these rules. This fine is clearly meant to be a scare tactic to those who would willfully disregard the requirements. Not for some poor soul who didn&#39;t understand and thought he/she did what was necessary.</p> Vaporman87Dec 04, 2019View
44523The Café<p>I recently bought the Genesis Mini during a Black Friday sale. $50 for 42 games is a really good discount. And also, with this and the SNES Classic, it looks like the 16-bit mini console wars lives on.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src=";_nc_ohc=JYb7pvXqvZoAQlJTKxphnH8_iuHu1vEtqH1u9p4suP2xxuqLShvp-K0WQ&amp;_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&amp;oh=1a82746251f4d3e56be428caf8a3542c&amp;oe=5E6DEBB7" /></p> blueluigiDec 04, 2019View
44522YouTube's nail in the coffin<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As far as the $42 thousand fine goes for each video, I&#39;m not that concerned about that. FTC has actually stated that they don&#39;t have the means to go after every single video that is some sort of violation of COPPA. If they somehow did, it would lead to tons of lawsuits and court orderings that would be too much for the FTC to deal with. If you want to shut down your channel, and delete your videos because of this, go right ahead. I&#39;m not going to be doing it with my channel either way. I plan on keeping my videos up, and even if something were to happen, I have most of them backed up on my computer anyway. I feel like people are freaking out too much over that small section, and are deleting all their videos from their channel out of fear of these new rules. Unless you&#39;re really purposely breaking to the rules to a high standard, I don&#39;t think they&#39;re going to fine you.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>My concern has less to do with COPPA, and more so to do with how Youtube is going to implement machine learning to regulate COPPA. The same type of machine learning that has caused the ad-pocylipse a few years ago, where a lot of big Youtube channels were hit due to the algarithm detecting certain topics that&#39;s not considered &quot;advertiser friendly&quot;, and many channels had to start up Patreons. That&#39;s what my concern is. I know Youtube claims that their machine learning only detects videos that are obviously&nbsp;mean&#39;t for children, but there&#39;s already a few instances of videos flagged as kid friendly that clearly isn&#39;t. Machine learning is still in a bit of a primative state, and Youtube, and other sites like Facebook, seem to continue to implement it. Because of this, a lot of videos get wrongfully flagged due to AI detection.</p> blueluigiDec 04, 2019View
44521Flash being discontinued in 2020<p>man, i remember when i tried out the neopets website back in 2003, took me back to the days of playing pc games in my old computer lab class in 3rd grade.</p> BenjanimeDec 04, 2019View
44520The Café<p>Did I say I watched that show? I don&#39;t think I did. Anyways to clear up any confusion I&#39;ve never seen an episode of Party of Five.</p> pikachuloverDec 04, 2019View
44519Flash being discontinued in 2020<p>Neopets is having a hard time converting.</p> pikachuloverDec 04, 2019View
44518Rush N Attack (Copyright 1985 Konami) aka Green Beret in Europe aka Knifey Knifey, Hailey in my case<p>huh, i completely overlooked this game when adding games to my NES mini, oh well. i do still have some other neat games like bionic commando and jackal, which this game reminds me of :)</p> BenjanimeDec 04, 2019View
44517My articles<p>as long as you follow my advice you should be making progress.</p> BenjanimeDec 03, 2019View