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Displaying 5441-5450 of 49022 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
45039The Café<p>Exactly! That&#39;s so hilarious.&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Feb 16, 2020View
45038Last Thing you Bought?<p>Glad ya like em.</p> Mr MagicFeb 16, 2020View
45037Last Thing you Bought?<p>Nice shirts dude!</p> echidna64Feb 16, 2020View
45036Last Thing you Bought?<p>Another poster.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicFeb 16, 2020View
45035The Café<p>Omg, it literally is jets and volleyball</p> <p><img alt="" height="263" src=" gun.jpg" width="350" /></p> echidna64Feb 16, 2020View
45034The Café<p>Oooookay...</p> <p><img alt="" height="480" src="" width="640" /></p> Vaporman87Feb 15, 2020View
45033Sonic the Hedgehog - Movie<p>so uhhh.... is it surprising to anyone that there&#39;s a porn parody of this movie now? seriously, go look up the trailer, it&#39;s hilarious.</p> BenjanimeFeb 15, 2020View
45032Sonic the Hedgehog - Movie<p>I was able to catch the film this evening with the family.</p> <p>I&#39;m&nbsp;pleased to report that this is a good movie. I didn&#39;t expect much going in, but was pleasantly surprised to discover the story was actually interesting, humorous, and well written.</p> <p>Aside from James Marsden (an actor I don&#39;t care for as he&#39;s so wooden and plain), everyone does an admirable job portraying their characters. Sonic himself is very true to character, but vulnerable enough to give the story some heartfelt moments. Jim Carrey brings his A game to this. He makes a fun Robotnik, and this movie feels like a step in the right direction for his career.</p> <p>I was also surprised by the theater goers at my showing. There was a lot of laughter and at the end, after the end credit scene plays, everyone applauded. I think this just might succeed.!</p> Vaporman87Feb 15, 2020View
45031Last Thing you Bought?<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicFeb 14, 2020View
45030The Café<p>I loved Detective Pikachu as well. And I have a positive feeling about the new Sonic flick.</p> Mr MagicFeb 14, 2020View