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Displaying 5421-5430 of 48983 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
45020The Café<p>Yeah, could have done without 4. It wasn&#39;t a bad film at all, but it felt like a sequel that should have come before or immediately after 2.&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Feb 12, 2020View
45019The End of the 2010's<p>@shakin: Ups and downs. Glad that your home ownership woes seem to be fading. I can understand all that. It can put a strain on every other aspect of life, surprisingly. Congrats on the weight loss and battle with smoking! Well done sir!</p> Vaporman87Feb 12, 2020View
45018The Café<p>I think the problem for me regarding Toy Story 4 is that it didn&#39;t really serve a&nbsp;purpose like&nbsp;the other three did. The Toy Story films have always been about the relationship between toys and their children, and have explored how not being played can badly effect&nbsp;a toys psyche.</p> <p>The three films were always about exploring different aspects of neglect: the first one was about popularity among toys. The second touched a little bit on natural decay, and made the characters realize that there will eventually come a day where their children will abandon them. The third was about that day ultimately coming, teaching us about letting go and learning to begin the cycle again with a new child.</p> <p>Toy Story 4 didn&#39;t explore any of that. It didn&#39;t even explore anything to begin with. It kind of just loosely touched on neglect by children without actually going into it.</p> Rick Ace RhodesFeb 12, 2020View
45017The Café<p>Seriously! It really only serves to setup a Toy Story 5 where Woody comes back</p> <blockquote rel="Benjanime" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Benjanime wrote :</strong> <p><em>toy story 4 didn&#39;t even need to exist <img src="/images/smilies/MavLaughOutLoud.gif" /></em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> echidna64Feb 12, 2020View
45016The Café<p>If I ever see it, I&#39;ll see it. I&#39;m sure I&#39;ll like that one too. But I probably won&#39;t see it. 4 was&nbsp;just what the parents put on when I was visiting for Thanksgiving. And I&#39;m not getting Disney+; one paid streaming service is enough for me.</p> shakin steakFeb 12, 2020View
45015The Café<p>Toy Story 3 is what a perfect ending should be. One last hurrah and wraps things up nicely.&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="shakin steak" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>shakin steak wrote :</strong> <p><em>I liked Forky, and the Evel Knieval guy. Actually I liked the whole movie.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I confess I didn&#39;t see Toy Story 3 though.</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> ThatDudeintheHoodieFeb 12, 2020View
45014The End of the 2010's<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Umm... the &#39;10s was me in my new neighborhood (bought the house in 2009), meeting lots of people, getting involved with local activism and environmental concerns. And I started (also in 2009) working at festivals in beverage service.&nbsp;In December of 2015&nbsp;I got a job on 2nd shift&nbsp;and had to scale back on a lot of that.</p> <p>And speaking of the house, it has been&nbsp;a pit. I&#39;ve lost a lot of time and a lot of money trying to piecemeal repairs, dealing with a catastrophe or two, and finding one major problem after another. At this point I feel rather confident that I can see the&nbsp;light at the end of the&nbsp;tunnel.</p> <p>I learned a lot about food and cooking. Culminating with adjusting my diet and losing 30 pounds last year. Also got into mixology. I largely quit smoking (still have one occasionally, under a pack a year).&nbsp;</p> <p>Two of my cats died. Pets&nbsp;don&#39;t live long compared to people, and mine lasted longer than most, but this was still devestating for me, especially the second one. I have one left. She&nbsp;is 19 years old and doing pretty well.</p> shakin steakFeb 12, 2020View
45013The End of the 2010's<p>Wow, eddstarr that&#39;s quite a time. Here&#39;s hoping your medical situation will improve. I hear from families of a lot of diabetes patients at work, and that&#39;s a tough deal to have. I&#39;m glad you&#39;re back on your feet.&nbsp;</p> shakin steakFeb 12, 2020View
45012The Café<p>I liked Forky, and the Evel Knieval guy. Actually I liked the whole movie.&nbsp;<br /> I confess I didn&#39;t see Toy Story 3 though.</p> shakin steakFeb 12, 2020View
45011The Café<p>at the end of the day I think it was just pixar wanting a cashgrab. a lot of supporting characters getting pushed to the side also made it feel kinda bleh.</p> BenjanimeFeb 12, 2020View