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Displaying 4981-4990 of 48983 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
45464Star Wars Films Ranked<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Gotta say...&nbsp;my feelings on some of these are quite different. I would place the 3 prequels at the bottom to start with, as I dislike them all. Solo and Rogue One we&#39;re both good films, though Solo feels wholly unnecessary. So those would be moved up on my list. Finally I would definitely place Rise of&nbsp;Skywalker above Last Jedi.</p> Vaporman87Apr 28, 2020View
45463The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>speaking of ebay i&#39;ve noticed that there are people selling in-game animal crossing items for cash. not that i&#39;m going to buy anything from them when i can just discover them easily in the game, but still. are people really that desperate for obtaining them?</p> BenjanimeApr 26, 2020View
45462The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>If you look on eBay, some sellers seemingly have an unending supply of them, how this is happening I have no clue.</p> vkimoApr 26, 2020View
45461The Last Dance documentary<p>I&#39;ve watched the first 2 episodes, really like enjoy it for the nostalgia. 10 episodes seems a bit much though. Feel bad for Pippen, one of the NBA greats but always overshadowed.&nbsp;</p> vkimoApr 26, 2020View
45460Star Wars Films Ranked<p>Cant argue with your list..&nbsp; Good job!</p> retrocrunchApr 26, 2020View
45459Star Wars Films Ranked<p>@Magic- updated!</p> <p>@Ben- I saw the first couple seasons of Clone Wars and really enjoyed it. I&#39;ve heard good things about the latter seasons as well.</p> echidna64Apr 26, 2020View
45458Star Wars Films Ranked<p>hey echidna, what did you think of the clone wars series? not the 2D animated one from genndy tartakovsky but the 3D one.</p> BenjanimeApr 25, 2020View
45457Star Wars Films Ranked<p>You didn&#39;t inlude &quot;Rogue One&quot; and &quot;Solo&quot;.</p> <blockquote rel="echidna64" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>echidna64 wrote :</strong> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#1. The Empire Strikes Back-</strong>&nbsp;An even more perfect&nbsp;movie.</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#2. A New Hope-</strong> A perfect movie.</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#3. Return of the Jedi-</strong> Yes, the antics on Endor are childish but the rest of the movie is amazing. Perfect&nbsp;opening with a darker Luke on Jabba&#39;s sail barge and has a strong ending to wrap up the original trilogy.</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#4. The Force Awakens-</strong> Has all the feels and excitement of a Star Wars movie while essentially being&nbsp;a gender-swapped A New Hope.&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#5. Revenge of the Sith-</strong> This is the one with all the action but its third act is borderline terrible with a goofy Yoda/Palpatine fight scene and Anakin force choking his pregnant wife.&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#6. The Last Jedi-</strong> I hate this movie. It has so many WTF moments not to mention&nbsp;a 40 minute pointless side quest to Canto Bight. I would rank it lower if I could.</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#7. The Phantom Menace-</strong> Usually dead last on EVERY Star Wars list. I get it, Jar Jar Binks and the sheer boredom of the 1st hour but it does have its redeemable qualities like the Podrace scene and the&nbsp;Darth Maul fight.&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#8. Rise of Skywalker-</strong> A soulless experience. The world would be a better place if this hadn&#39;t been made. It&#39;s a movie basically about nothing-&nbsp;things happen, the end. I get that they were written into a corner after the Last Jedi but the return of the Emperor is such a huge FU to the Star Wars Saga, literally any villain would have been a better choice (it should have been Kylo Ren).&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <p><em><strong>#9. Attack of the Clones-</strong> The Phantom Menace was the most disappointing but this movie&nbsp;is the real stinker of the Star Wars franchise. God awful CGI and even worse dialogue. Terrible romance story and everything else is forgetable. There&#39;s hardly any story, just padding for two hours-it&#39;s like getting a lobotomy.&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicApr 25, 2020View
45456The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="Benjanime" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Benjanime wrote :</strong> <p><em>according to this video, switch sales have doubled. maybe there are consoles in retail in certain areas?</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p><br /> I don&#39;t know what those areas could be. I&#39;ve been checking frequently and can&#39;t find any online from stores that have retail locations but also do mail order. Target, Best Buy, Gamestop, all are consistently sold out. NewEgg has them, from independent sellers at substantial markup. As does Amazon, which I never use but I just now checked to substantiate. Of course eBay is no better. If new unit sales are really up, it&#39;s all scalpers. I hope they burn.<br /> Wish I had kept the one I bought 18 months ago even though it would still be unopened.</p> shakin steakApr 25, 2020View
45455Star Wars Films Ranked<p>man, remember the 3 minute long theatrical trailer for revenge of the sith? they basically spoiled the whole movie, yet it was the only good movie out of the prequels. also when phantom menace first released my parents bought me a talking jar-jar binks alarm clock, that thing was almost as bad as furby.</p> BenjanimeApr 25, 2020View