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Displaying 48941-48950 of 49039 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
107General suggestionsFeatured articles are in the FAQ, but I can't see anything there about PSAs. Uploading will be nice feature to have, as some image hosts don't keep things forever. I'd hate to read an article here five years from now, and the pictures are gone. Since the update is at an indeterminate point in the future, I will use a third party with regular HTML embedding for pics on whatever I'm working on until then. And that brings me to another question--will we ever have the ability to edit articles? It's a common question on RJ. People want to fix typos & so forth. I'm a strong proponent of checking your own stuff thoroughly, if site admin will not act as editor, but just thinking about disappearing pictures... Another request...article preview function. Nice to check layout, allows experimenting. I have seen others come up with pretty innovative stuff, and preview would greatly help to encourage this. Otherwise you submit and it might look all jacked up. Need to see how it will look when published. I just viewed the source on my current draft, copied it, pasted into Notepad, saved as a HTML file, and opened in Firefox. Images are not embedded, the HTML doesn't seem to parse right. Viewing the source, (for example) it seems to have taken away taken away my <img src=""</a>s and replaced them with <img src=""</a>s. I could be doing something wrong and it might display perfectly fine when rendered by the site. But if you can have a look at this and test a little more it would be great. I am a little wary about pulling the trigger on my first article here and having it not post right. Thank you Vaporman for all you have done and are doing! shakin steakDec 10, 2012View
106General suggestionsPSA articles you can find info on in the FAQ. And yeah, I can add that request to the next update.Vaporman87Dec 10, 2012View
105Re-Imaginings of 3 of the 1980's MOTU Create-A-Character Contest FinalistsThanks shakin. But to be honest there are a good number of artists over at that are superior to me. Still, I appreciate the kind words.Vaporman87Dec 10, 2012View
104Re-Imaginings of 3 of the 1980's MOTU Create-A-Character Contest FinalistsWow Vaporman, your drawings are great! I am in awe of your skill.shakin steakDec 10, 2012View
103General suggestionsWhat is a "PSA article"? (seen on member profiles) I see on article writing, a link is wanted to embed images. Will there be the ability to upload pictures for 1st party hosting or is this planned to be left to offsite hosts (postimage, imgur, etc)? shakin steakDec 10, 2012View
102Memories of Blockbuster Video<blockquote rel=Derk><b>Derk wrote:</b> importing threads from Retro Junk isn't going to make this place any better</blockquote> Fair point, although not what I meant <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>shakin steakDec 10, 2012View
101Memories of Blockbuster VideoI have less memories of Blockbuster, and more memories of a little grocery store called Vaughan's that operated here locally for many years (before closing, naturally). My brother and I would scour the rental area for anything SNES. They had a ton of SNES games. Those were good times. Vaporman87Dec 10, 2012View
100Memories of Blockbuster VideoI have to agree with Shakin Steak. In my opinion, basically importing threads from Retro Junk isn't going to make this place any better or 'fresher'. For a minute, I was browsing this thread and trying to find my post. Then I realized that was on Retro Junk... But yeah, I hate to come across as rude/hijack this thread, but rehashing things from Retro Junk isn't the way to go. Some threads (of the 'What did you buy today's', for example) I can understand. But anyway, I apologize for ranting and rambling.DerkDec 10, 2012View
99My thoughts on the final Nintendo Power issueI was really sad when I heard that this magazine was coming to an end. I rarely bought it/read it at all anymore, but it was still said to see a staple of my childhood end. That comic in the final issue was pretty depressing and well done. I think that was my favorite part of the issue.DerkDec 10, 2012View
98Memories of Blockbuster VideoMy memories consist of going there after a hard day at elementary school on Fridays and picking out what Sega Genesis games I wanted to play. I also remember playing Pokemon Snap there as well and trying out the Virtual Boy as well.Mr MagicDec 10, 2012View