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Displaying 48681-48690 of 49044 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
381Thundercats/TSharks comic projectNice. I have done similar things with PAINT.Net by increasing contrast and adjusting brightness, and occasionally using the noise or medium adjustments for smoothness or thickness.Vaporman87Jan 09, 2013View
380Thundercats/TSharks comic projectHere I have po traced the first page above. <img src=""> With a cleaner or bigger scan, I could get better results. The whole thing took a minute or two. Penciling is inherently messy, but if construction lines are light enough and final lines not too light, the scan or a levels adjustment takes care of that. This is all I did: 1. Save the picture. Open in Photoshop and bring up the contrast. 2. Save the picture as a bitmap. I named it "tcat1.bmp" and put it in my potrace folder. 3. Open cmd and cd\potrace. 4. C:\potrace> potrace tcat1.bmp 5. Open resulting file "tcat1.eps" in photoshop. Tell it to make the picture 6.5" wide and 72 dpi. 6. New layer, move new layer behind the first one, white paint bucket, save as jpg.shakin steakJan 08, 2013View
379Thundercats/TSharks comic projectI have used potrace for "inking". Basically what it will do is take a scan and make into just black and white, removing all gray. And smooth all your lines. It's a command line thing, but only one step. Then when you open the resulting file in Photoshop, it asks what resolution you want the page to be (since it is now a vector file that needs to be rendered.) Or you could open it in Illustator which will work directly with vectors. Not sure what Paint.NET would do with it. After that, if all your lines are solid, coloring can be a simple affair with the paint can. (If not, you will have some time with the pencil or brush closing up shapes.) If you like flat colors and no gradients, that is. I recommend using "web colors only" for this, so you can consistently get the exact same shade. If it sounds good to either of you, find it here: <a href></a>shakin steakJan 08, 2013View
378Homer SimpsonI've recently found the <a href="">Zombie Simpsons</a> webpage, which is extremely thorough in examining and explaining the decline of The Simpsons, along with some reveling in the early years of the show. I encourage anybody who also enjoys long-winded pop culture critique to check it out. <blockquote><b>Zombie Simpsons wrote</b>: When he wasn’t getting hurt, Homer was acting in increasingly bizarre and, for lack of a better term, cartoonish ways. Homer had always been, in the words of Llewellyn Sinclair, “thoughtless, violent and loud”, but there had also been an underlying decency to him. He repeatedly disappointed his wife and daughter, disliked his son, and was a generally self centered person, but he didn’t go out of his way to torment other people, wasn’t prone to screaming fits, and didn’t suffer from instant mood swings. On the contrary, Homer’s defining traits were his profound laziness and general desire to be left alone. By Season 10, this new Homer was in almost every episode. Fans dubbed him “Jerkass Homer” after a phrase he used repeatedly while yelling at random people in the Season 9 episode “The Joy of Sect”. Jerkass Homer is the one who, in “Maximum Homerdrive”, is so boastful of his stomach capacity that he gets into an eating contest with a perfect stranger, accidentally kills him, takes over his trucking route, and acts like such an asshole that the other truckers try to kill him before the end of the episode.</blockquote>shakin steakJan 08, 2013View
377UPDATED: Images for the (hopefully) upcoming RetroDaze Public Domain Theater featurei love the screen border and layout! i also got super gameboy vibes from the theater border hahaBenjanimeJan 08, 2013View
376Thundercats/TSharks comic projecti sincerely wish that i had the patience to learn inking software, buuuut it is what it is.TSharkfan1Jan 08, 2013View
375Thundercats/TSharks comic projectI understand that. Usually I do my inking prior to scanning and then use PAINT.Net's brightness and contrast settings to make it more vibrant. Then I do coloring. But coloring is NOT my forte. I'm amateur at best. I usually had someone else do colors for me on large scale projects. I have at times used PAINT.Net's "Ink Sketch" effect to turn pencil line work into ink. Especially when I feel like inking will take away from the art.Vaporman87Jan 08, 2013View
373Thundercats/TSharks comic projectif anyone is willing to do inking and/or coloring, because honestly, inking and coloring software frustrate the hell out of me.TSharkfan1Jan 08, 2013View
372Thundercats/TSharks comic projectLike your pencil work. Very nice. Will this be inked and colored as well?Vaporman87Jan 08, 2013View
371First video game you played completely throughI think Street Fighters II: Champion Edition was the first one I beat.Mr MagicJan 08, 2013View