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Displaying 41251-41260 of 49079 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
8310Future Article SuggestionsThank you for your honesty.  I really need to work on really fleshing out my articles, which really don't reflect sometimes what I'm trying to get across.  I haven't really done much writing for a very long time.  Life sometimes gets in the way of that.  My wife is the one who encouraged me to start really trying to express myself again.  I've been stuck in the rut of everyday life for a long time now.  So I hope to improve and get better.  More than anything else, I want to keep alive the memories of my generation so that it can be passed on to the next.DoctorRyanMay 22, 2014View
8309Spring 2014Here in Dayton, OH we just had strong thunderstorms and hail. &nbsp;Started pouring in the bay doors of the warehouse. &nbsp;I drive a forklift for a living and nothing sucks worse than trying to drive on wet slick floors.<div><br></div>DoctorRyanMay 22, 2014View
8308Got a song stuck in your head?Gorillaz - To Binge<br>SilverMagicianMay 22, 2014View
8307Got a song stuck in your head?<br><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Mr MagicMay 21, 2014View
8306Spring 2014Weather's great right now. I'm just hoping the humidity doesn't get too bad or else gym shorts and polyester will be all I'm wearing all summer.<br>vkimoMay 21, 2014View
8305Spring 2014I do when I get sunburned.<br>Mr MagicMay 21, 2014View
8304Spring 2014Never could tell the difference here in Florida :P<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieMay 21, 2014View
8303Spring 2014It's been hot as heck in Georgia! The cold weather has ceased since Easter weekend.<br>Mr MagicMay 21, 2014View
8302Spring 2014Things have cleared up, and the weather is really starting to treat us right here in Ohio. It's about time. Good theme/amusement park weather. ;)<br>Vaporman87May 21, 2014View
8301Got a song stuck in your head?@bklybren: Dragon's got tha moves.<br>Vaporman87May 21, 2014View