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Displaying 40201-40210 of 48957 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
9259Random Pictures Thread<img style="width: 439px; height: 336px;" src="/images/postImages/1403798396Ranma\'sPlan-Episode45.png">BenjanimeJun 26, 2014View
9258Xbox One, PS4, and Wii UMy brother just got a wii u the other day and it's really awesome.Jrs1991Jun 26, 2014View
9257Random Pictures ThreadMiley Bieber.<br>Mr MagicJun 26, 2014View
9256Random Pictures Threaderrm.... bieberception?<br>BenjanimeJun 26, 2014View
9255Random Pictures Thread<img src="/images/postImages/14037941581620830_656613811042528_198238116_n.jpg" height="581" width="781">Mr MagicJun 26, 2014View
9254Random Pictures Thread<img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/1403792927cap.jpg"><br><br>Anybody remember playing with these??<br>bklynbrenJun 26, 2014View
9253Xbox One, PS4, and Wii UI get the feeling this is all from CD-I butthurt<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJun 26, 2014View
9252Random Pictures ThreadFor Anime Fans. <br><br><br><br><img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/1403790903994570_560913560634998_623606021_n.jpg">ThatDudeintheHoodieJun 26, 2014View
9251Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U<blockquote rel="blueluigi"><b>blueluigi wrote :</b><br><i>Perhaps Philips is trying to seek revenge on Nintendo after their deal with the CD-I fell through.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><br><br>That would be a silly thing to do.&nbsp; The aftermath of that worked out much better for Philips than it did for Nintendo, who it could be said is still hurting because they couldn't agree.<br>shakin steakJun 26, 2014View
9250Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> <a href="">This just smells like royal crap to me.</a><div><br></div><div>Seriously... what was Philips doing with these patents? And how can a company possibly know every patent they may violate with an invention or device? This patent business is getting out of hand, and abused.</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Patents have probably held the world back from advancing technology by decades. I understand why a person wouldn't want someone else stealing their idea but you can't just patent some broad technology and expect the rest of the world to wait on your bright idea. Same thing happened with the Wright Bros. they tried suing several aviation companies. Imagine if they got their way, we might be making transatlantic trips on gliders! <br>vkimoJun 26, 2014View