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Displaying 38141-38150 of 48962 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
11362FallIs NOW really a good time to be carving your pumpkins? I passed by one of my neighbors house and saw two carved pumpkins. Those things won't last through September. :lol:<br>Vaporman87Sep 15, 2014View
11361Surge is making a comebackWhat's next... Crystal Pepsi and New Coke?<br><br>What about Jolt?<br>Vaporman87Sep 15, 2014View
11360Surge is making a comeback"Feed the rush!"Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11359Full House A very funny moment. Jesse receives the news on Becky's pregnancy. Or so everyone THOUGHT he did.<br><br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" height="360" width="640" frameborder="0"></iframe>Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11358New Atlanta Braves and Falcons stadiums.The 9ers got spanked in their shiny new stadium.<br>vkimoSep 15, 2014View
11357Halloween Nostalgia & More!One of my horror film theme picks:<br><br><br><iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11356Random Pictures Thread<img style="width: 389px; height: 318px;" src="/images/postImages/1410783992puf.jpg">Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11355New Atlanta Braves and Falcons stadiums.<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> They'll need a new stadium after the <a href=";tab=recap">Bengals went in there</a> and brought the house down on the Falcons. <img src="/images/smilies/MavEvil.gif"><br> </i><b>-end quote<br><br></b>Cincy got lucky.<b><br><br></b>Seriously, the better team won.<b><br></b></blockquote><br><br>Mr MagicSep 15, 2014View
11354New Atlanta Braves and Falcons stadiums.They need to build a stadium in LA to lure a football team over here. But they should not build it by the Staples Center there is no parking there already. It should be in the suburbs. <br>pikachuloverSep 15, 2014View
11353Virtual Console ThursdaysWell, Super Smash Bros is the type of game where you really got to mash the buttons and move the hell out of the joystick. This could be too much for the 3DS to handle. Maybe when the New 3DS comes out, they might make it more stable.<br>blueluigiSep 15, 2014View