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Displaying 3801-3810 of 48975 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
46661The Café<p>Well, gang, what do you think of the new Jeopardy host?</p> Mr MagicJan 12, 2021View
46660New Years Resolutions 2021<p>That&#39;s a tricky one. Sometimes it&#39;s just better NOT to invest. I&#39;ve heard it said to invest in YOURSELF... whatever that means.</p> <blockquote rel="onipar" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>onipar wrote :</strong> <p><em>Oh, and I always add &quot;invest more,&quot; and usually up my contributions to retirement plan/investment accounts by a little bit.&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Jan 11, 2021View
46659Kool-Aid Retro Jammers<p>Tastes like memories, my friend!</p> Mr MagicJan 11, 2021View
46658Kool-Aid Retro Jammers<p>I got the Purplesaurus Rex ones this summer. I saw these too weeks later but had Ghoul Ade by then so I skipped it. How was this one?</p> oniparJan 11, 2021View
46657New Years Resolutions 2021<p>I don&#39;t really like to call them resolutions, but every year on January first, I *do* list my accomplishment of the previous year and draft a list of goals for the new year. They&#39;re always fairly similar. Things like write more, read more, sculpt more, etc. I also usually have things on the list about getting stuff published, or sometimes completing a specific project I&#39;m working on.</p> <p>This year I also added to try and exercise more, since this this pandemic has seen me housebound a lot. More walks, bike rides, hiking.&nbsp;</p> <p>Oh, and I always add &quot;invest more,&quot; and usually up my contributions to retirement plan/investment accounts by a little bit.&nbsp;</p> oniparJan 11, 2021View
46656Last Thing you Bought?<p>Good choice Ben. My mother got me the entire series on Blu-Ray for Christmas. Watching it brings back so many memories from when I watched it on Toonami back in the day.</p> Rick Ace RhodesJan 11, 2021View
46655The Café<p>I recall the season that L.A. beat Oakland in the World Series. That was the peak of my Dodger fandom. I was a huge Hershiser and Valenzuela fan.&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Jan 10, 2021View
46654History of the World: Part 1<p>I&nbsp;interviewed three&nbsp;cast members from that movie.</p> <p>First, I interviewed Jeana Keough, the Playboy Playmate who played one of the Vestal Virgins:&nbsp;</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div style="margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; margin-top:0px; max-width:320px"><!-- You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at --> <div class="iframely-embed"> <div class="iframely-responsive" style="padding-bottom:75%; padding-top:120px"><a data-iframely-url="//" href="">The Flashback Interview: Jeana Keough |</a></div> </div> <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> </div> </div> <p>I then interviewed Leigh French, who can be seen in the Birth Of Music clip previously posted:&nbsp;</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div style="margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; margin-top:0px; max-width:320px"><!-- You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at --> <div class="iframely-embed"> <div class="iframely-responsive" style="padding-bottom:73.9762%; padding-top:120px"><a data-iframely-url="//" href="">The Flashback Interview: Leigh French |</a></div> </div> <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> </div> </div> <p>Finally, I interviewed Sandy Helberg, who was in the Last Supper scene:&nbsp;</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div style="margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; margin-top:0px; max-width:320px"><!-- You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at --> <div class="iframely-embed"> <div class="iframely-responsive" style="padding-bottom:75%; padding-top:120px"><a data-iframely-url="//" href="">The Flashback Interview: Sandy Helberg |</a></div> </div> <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> </div> </div> <p>Each interview talks about so much more than History Of The World, Part 1, though, so enjoy.</p> Caps 2.0Jan 10, 2021View
46653The Café<p>I recall the season that L.A. beat Oakland in the World Series. That was the peak of my Dodger fandom. I was a huge Hershiser and Valenzuela fan.&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Jan 10, 2021View
46652History of the World: Part 1<p>The birth of music.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"></iframe></p> Mr MagicJan 10, 2021View