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Displaying 3721-3730 of 48975 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
46743The Café<p>Whoa, three feet! Crazy! We got a good amount here, maybe around a foot or more. I know some areas near me got up to two feet, but I&#39;m not sure we did. Well, in my backyard the snow&nbsp;<em>was</em>&nbsp;up to my maybe. Snowed for two days, pretty much straight, we a couple breaks. Hd to snowblow the driveway in two seperate shifts due to the amount coming down. One session per day. The plows knocked my mailbox right off the pole too. Lots of fun.</p> <p><img alt="" height="525" src="" width="700" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> oniparFeb 05, 2021View
46742Last Thing you Bought?<p>A couple of books.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicFeb 05, 2021View
46741Oldies<p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"></iframe></p> Mr MagicFeb 04, 2021View
46740The Café<p>Yeah we barely got any. Maybe a couple inches at most.</p> Vaporman87Feb 03, 2021View
46739The Café<p>i got like two inches here for a day, and that was it :lol:</p> BenjanimeFeb 03, 2021View
46737The Café<p>How did everyone located in the northeast&nbsp;do snow wise? This blizzard was probably one of the worst I have ever seen in my entire life. It started snowing around 12, 12:30 on Sunday as I was taking garbage out to the dump. It didn&#39;t stop until late afternoon today. Over 48 hours of straight, heavy snowfall. No breaks at all, it was continous from the moment it started until the moment it ended. It looked like it was dying down before one today, but then it picked back up and raged for a few more hours.</p> <p>I think we officially broke the three foot mark. Last night we&nbsp;were getting about three inches alone every hour. My community put a ban on non-essential people driving on the roads until they can get them all cleaned up. My drive-way was plowed though so I am happy. Now I just hope it warms up so some of this can melt.</p> Rick Ace RhodesFeb 03, 2021View
46736Saved by the Bell<p>Very sad to hear that news. Too young. I feel like there was more he could have done and maybe renewed his career a bit.&nbsp;</p> <p><img src="" /></p> Vaporman87Feb 02, 2021View
46735Farewell Toys R Us<p>I wonder if now would be a good time to invest in TRU... what with all the short squeeze buying going on. Maybe that&#39;ll be the next target of r/WallStreetBets?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Feb 02, 2021View
46733Saved by the Bell<p>What a sad ending to a troubled life. He may have acted like a d*uchebag and did some terrible things, but you could tell he had a rough upbringing and that it effected him in the worst way.&nbsp;</p> Rick Ace RhodesFeb 02, 2021View
46732Saved by the Bell<p>So troubled, yet so young.</p> Mr MagicFeb 01, 2021View