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Displaying 28121-28130 of 49034 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21713Toys you always wanted<blockquote rel="kstrom22"><b>kstrom22 wrote :</b><br><i> When I was a kid I wanted Hungry Hungry Hippos. But I had no friends who were willing to play it so my mom never got it for me, perhaps it was a vicious circle. I think had she gotten it for me I could have convinced people to play it.<br>I always loved hippos.&nbsp;<br><br>Then I grew up and went to college. And when I graduated college I got a job and moved into an apartment. And I bought Hungry Hungry Hippos and I have maybe played it three times since I bought it. </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>That's how it usually ends up. We finally have the funds to buy what we always wanted as kids, then come to find out that it wasn't what we wanted NOW. Still, just having it brings a little joy.<br>Vaporman87Jun 30, 2015View
21712Toys you always wantedWhen I was a kid I wanted Hungry Hungry Hippos. But I had no friends who were willing to play it so my mom never got it for me, perhaps it was a vicious circle. I think had she gotten it for me I could have convinced people to play it.<br>I always loved hippos.&nbsp;<br><br>Then I grew up and went to college. And when I graduated college I got a job and moved into an apartment. And I bought Hungry Hungry Hippos and I have maybe played it three times since I bought it.kstrom22Jun 30, 2015View
21711The CaféI did not write this but I think it's another answer to your question.<br><br>"The fight for LGBT equality is one young people today were born into. They've gone to school with friends and classmates who were out since high school, often earlier. In researching news consumption for my new job, I've learned that among millennial and post millennial audiences, LGBT issues rank toward the top of what they care about. Nothing of these youngsters' participation at Pink Saturday or Pride smells of insincerity to me. This is their fight too. They care that much."<br><br>Now, as much as I wish I was, I am not in the "millenial" age range. Close, but entirely out of it, and most of my friends are older than I am. But we are a progressive bunch, too. The Pride parade here is pretty big, and I think most people I know here have attended at least once. I have. And every year I hear of at least one straight person (among my friends) going. <br><br>So while I also noted a seeming popularity waving on the social media, I can believe that people are truly happy about it. Perhaps after all of the deaths and all of the corporate power we have seen lately, and the judgmental behavior masquerading as freedom (to discriminate), people are extra-excited by a victory for civil rights. <br>shakin steakJun 30, 2015View
21710RetroDaze Goodie Packs<blockquote rel="jkatz"><b>jkatz wrote :</b><br><i> Why, it's almost worth it for the soap alone! </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>For sure. Who WOULDN'T want to smell like brand new game?<br>Vaporman87Jun 30, 2015View
21709RetroDaze Goodie PacksWhy, it's almost worth it for the soap alone!jkatzJun 30, 2015View
21708RetroDaze Goodie PacksI already have splatterhouse on my wii, so I don't mind being late to the party B) the goodie pack looks tempting to get either way.BenjanimeJun 30, 2015View
21707RetroDaze Goodie PacksVery exciting. I have been thinking about getting a TurboGrafx for a while. Now I have an excuse.<br>shakin steakJun 30, 2015View
21706RetroDaze Goodie Packs<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="fuschnikt"><b>fuschnikt wrote :</b><br><i><br> Did I do it? Did I make first five?? </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>You made first FIRST! <img src="/images/smilies/MavLaughOutLoud.gif"><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Double win! If I know anything bout the internet, it's all about being first and declaring it.&nbsp;fuschniktJun 30, 2015View
21705RetroDaze Goodie Packs<blockquote rel="onipar"><b>onipar wrote :</b><br><i> Are these only going to be available to buy with points? &nbsp; </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Correct. It is part of the reward system for members who help to make the site a better place with their submissions.<br>Vaporman87Jun 30, 2015View
21704RetroDaze Goodie PacksAre these only going to be available to buy with points? &nbsp;oniparJun 30, 2015View