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Displaying 2801-2810 of 48975 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
47697River City, IA,1912<p><span style="font-size:20px">Happy 4th of July!&nbsp;</span></p> <p>Next to &quot;Singing In The Rain&quot;, this is one of my favorite musicals. Has to be Robert Preston&#39;s most famous roles. Nothing is more &quot;American&quot; than the myth of the traveling salesman.</p> <p>You sure posted some awesome videos <strong>MM</strong>!</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> eddstarrJul 05, 2021View
47696MOTU with Teela (& maybe Prince Adam)<p>So far I have not viewed the second trailer, which judging by complaints, reveals Prince Adam/He-Man acting as more of a sidekick to Teela. Hey, if that&#39;s the direction Kevin Smith wants to go it sure fits in with the current state of most entertainment on offer.&nbsp;</p> <p>As you&#39;ve suggested, Tella will shine if she&#39;s surrounded by proper support characters. I&#39;ve seen many a secondary character actually carry a storyline to good effect. Can&#39;t fault the animation, Powerhouse does excellent work (sure hope Netflix actually pays Powerhouse the money they&#39;re owed - they&#39;ve been stiffed before ya&#39;know!).&nbsp;</p> eddstarrJul 05, 2021View
47694What video game magazines did you read back in the day?<p>I remember playing a demo of a game called Sled Storm. It was awesome!</p> Mr MagicJul 04, 2021View
47693MOTU with Teela (& maybe Prince Adam)<p>Yeah there is quite the uproar over the potential lack of He-Man in this upcoming series. And the idea that it could end up being very Teela-centric. For myself, I m not so concerned about less He/Man, but Teela is a very boring character, so I hope there is more screen time given to ancillary characters like Scare Glow or Roboto.</p> Vaporman87Jul 04, 2021View
47692What video game magazines did you read back in the day?<p>I had a ton of PlayStation Underground discs.</p> Vaporman87Jul 04, 2021View
47691What video game magazines did you read back in the day?<p>I&nbsp;love Archive too, onipar. It beats buying old magazines online.</p> Mr MagicJul 04, 2021View
47690What video game magazines did you read back in the day?<p>the only magazines i know that came with demo discs were official playstation magazine and the dreamcast magazine, there were also the playstation underground demo discs, which came with some exclusive developer interviews and game tips</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> BenjanimeJul 04, 2021View
47689What video game magazines did you read back in the day?<p>That was the PlayStation mag.</p> Mr MagicJul 04, 2021View
47688Publishing<p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif">Yeah, Rick is spot on about the publishers. Once you have a novel/novella you can pretty easily submit directly to the indie publishers, but anything bigger you&#39;ll need an agent. Some places with have very short unagented open windows, but it&#39;s rare. Like I recently sent my novel to NightFire (Tor), but they usually don&#39;t accept submissions without an agent, so its HIGHLY competitive.&nbsp;</span></span></p> <p>Ah, Lulu! That&#39;s the place I was thinking of.&nbsp;</p> oniparJul 04, 2021View
47687What video game magazines did you read back in the day?<p>Nice, thanks, Mr. Magic. I love So much great stuff there. Tons of old VHS tv recordings.<br /> <br /> As for me, I never subscribed to any gaming magazines, but I&#39;d gotten an issue or two of most at one point or another.<br /> <br /> Which one was it that used to come with the demo discs? I think I used to get a free issue or two of that somehow, through the mail. Like a trial issue.&nbsp;</p> oniparJul 04, 2021View